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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by coachherman'sgrill

  1. I fucking love it!! Nicole is gonna go apeshit today
  2. Very impressive showing of the offensive juggernaut that is aTm today
  3. This has been some absolutely horrible football in every phase and on both sides......can't wait for the 2nd half
  4. It's pretty sparse and I think it's senior day
  5. Looks like a fumble. Maybe re-look the whole sleeves situation?
  6. To say this team has quit on Jimbo is the understatement of 2022
  7. UMASS is marching down the field, l-o-fucking-l
  8. Bimbo is getting dragged by national sports media. I quit reading any more articles after the 3rd one. Synopsis of all of them: Jimbo's offense doesn't work, all hat and no cattle (recruiting class), and it will cost around 140 mil to get rid of him and his staff
  9. This time around, when Pete Kwiatkowski’s defense gave Texas every bit of a chance to take complete control of it’s destiny in the conference by overwhelming the No. 4 team throughout the better part of three quarters, Sark’s offense pissed the opportunity away, putting together one of the hardest-to-watch performances I can recall. Burnt Orange Nation: Initial thoughts from No. 18 Texas’ 17-10 loss to No. 4 TCU. https://www.burntorangenation.com/football/2022/11/12/23455483/initial-thoughts-from-no-18-texas-17-10-loss-to-no-4-tcu
  10. NGL, I have said this for weeks. He should be the offensive leader. DMO should be for the defense. And RoJo and JWhitt should be the team's leaders. Someone has to step up and until that happens, everyone will be looking towards each other on the sidelines for a spark and reassurance. Ain't happened so far
  11. I like the "I have spoken" like some all-seeing god
  12. Non-concussed David Ash had some really, really bad games but I will own I believed the hype about Ewers but haven't seen anything besides a couple of good throws every now and then. More misses than anything.
  13. Where ya been?? Missed your comments when they show Sark squatting on the sidelines ......
  14. Huh.....throws to Sanders and JWhitt are productive.....imagine that
  15. Why the fuck are we still calling the Worthy bomb??? Es after JWhitt showed how to move the chains
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