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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by coachherman'sgrill

  1. How in the fuck, being completely objective, is Bijan not in the daily Heisman talk??? He is such a baller
  2. That is or isn't targeting based on how the rule is enforced in whichever conference, day of the week, etc
  3. Bijan with 150+ and it should be a win. Which Worthy will show up today? Has Ewers recalibrated his aim? Can we unleash RoJo and KWhitt? Which defense will play tonight? I mean, stomp a mud hole boys!
  4. Almost as bad as the turkey drop in Cincy
  5. No shit, Brad? The defense considers it a win to only allow 3 points in the red zone?-penetrating analysis Good point, forgot about that and thought he was being a gunslinger
  6. Wrong thread but holy fuck did we luck out on Harsin. Is watching Nix be really good an indictment about Harsin really sucking as the ol ball coach?
  7. Serious question but can all penalties be retroactively looked for? Or just this unclear, wishy washy, changes by the moment and officials targeting bull shit? Point is how can they look specifically for targeting but not anything else. I didn't know that's allowed
  8. What shit was that?? Snuggling your buddy in your All-American uniform? GTFO
  9. Whats the O/U of players being sick which attributed to the loss? And, if the 3rd stringer was in, totally different outcome?
  10. Same shit we have seen with a certain #5 and then some bad passes lately
  11. King does have awful mechanics. His windup take forever and he whips his arm out and to the right, granted I have no idea what I talking about and never played a down of CFB
  12. For sure! I remember something weird about him and his wife or am I reaching?
  13. So, in August of this year of our lord, 39 of the approx 2,600 cadets were commissioned across all six branches which equals, carry the 2, round up the four, 6% (I divided 2,600 of the current population by 4) 6 fucking percent!!!! And no need to thank me for doing some shitty and wrong math
  14. In my 20 years in the Army, I only met one Aggy that received his source of commission from there. Total and utter bull shit
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