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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by coachherman'sgrill

  1. Terrible non calls. No problem if called both ways, but an obvious chop block, WR holding, etc. Call it fair or don't call it. Who is on staff that is the dedicated "fuck you ref" person. Get a TA on that.....
  2. Every fucking year with these mokes, terrible spots and suspect officials. That wasn't a first down
  3. Flag OSU #68 on targeting his QB and give the offense 15 yards
  4. JFC, the knee jerk "it's a face mask", "it's targeting". Calm the fuck down Dusty
  5. Gregg Williams to the white courtesy phone please.....
  6. As Ed says on KLBJ, student body left, student body right.....
  7. Yes, but the rules are enforced differently based on the position, which isn't fair to any of these kids.
  8. Should be a immediate whistle if it looks like the QB is going to slide to stop play. And the spot is when it looks like the QB is going to start the slide. It's unrealistic to ask a defender to not make the tackle. The QB slide draws the flag and a head shot every time.
  9. Exactly!! At full speed, the defender has to make a ton of assumptions of what the QB is going to do? Bull shit.
  10. This such a dumb ass rule. The defender has to trust that the QB is going to slide at some point? Its bull shit. The slide always results in the dumb ass targeting, regardless of the team
  11. Hahahaha! Wondering what that was that came flying out
  12. The one before, we are going to see that same set with Ewers keeping it for a stroll in fir a TD
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