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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Tell that to half of my middle school class in the 90s
  2. He plays over 35 minutes a game, and he gets hunted relentlessly, both because he’s not a good defender and because it’s good strategy to make him work on defense to make him less effective on offense. It makes sense that his blown by stats are the highest in the league. That does not mean he’s the worst defender in the league. There are players that are amazing offensive players that can hardly get minutes for their teams because they are such liabilities on defense. Luka isnt that. He’ll never be a great defender, but he’s been part of good nba defenses. With what he can do on the other end of the floor, that is enough.
  3. These are all great points if you completely ignore the reality of what Luka and the Mavericks have done the past few seasons. He’s a bad defender, but he’s not generationally bad, that’s dumb. He has actually been a useful piece on a good NBA defense, last fucking season. After making the trades for Gafford and PJ they were one of the best defenses in the league by every metric down the stretch. You just need the right pieces around him, he’s not an unsolvable liability on that end. I don’t even want to argue the offensive side of it, mainly because arguing whether Luka’s offensive game is winning basketball or not is weapons grade stupid.
  4. Well, they were only 15 years apart, but… No, Luka’s defense isn’t as good as young LeBron’s, but he wasn’t putting up these stats as empty calories on bad teams. Already two western conference finals appearances and one finals appearance. You guys are too caught up in the “he doesn’t play defense” talking point if you are underplaying Luka’s value right now as a 25 year old superstar.
  5. Completely anecdotal, but I split 4 tickets with a group of 10 friends and to a man we’ve all said we are done today. Doesn’t help that the new owners have been jacking up the price every year and a few of us were getting disillusioned anyway. Maybe after the shock wears off and if we play well with AD some of them will reconsider, but I think I’m done. Only way I get tickets is if they cut the price by like 50% (lol) and I can go to games to mainly check out other teams/players I want to see.
  6. So for real, why are headcases so over represented among WRs?
  7. Yeah I was on my phone and couldn’t figure it out. Works on a desktop
  8. This is awesome. Do you have it hosted on YouTube or somewhere where I can share it with people?
  9. He’s right if by “football scholars” he means “TexAgs posters”
  10. Did you happen to catch our playoff game against Washington last season?
  11. DISD announced schools and admin buildings are closed Thursday and Friday.
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