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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Yeah…there is no competitive advantage to saying that and there certainly isn’t any cultural or team building reason. It’s a fucking stupid thing to say. And that actually is giving him the benefit of the doubt that he’s just saying that because he’s a dolt who is bad with the media. There is always the chance that he’s dumb enough to decide who his starting qb is on game day for the rest of the season…
  2. I like how he writes it like these are all self evident truths that everyone is in agreement with. In his world the AP poll, coaches poll, final score of football games are meaningless. That PPA/rush number against UTSA in a 49 point win tells him all he needs to know. Texas is a fraud
  3. I’m sure this is going to generate some fodder for this thread
  4. You may want to check in on how that’s going for Florida State
  5. Quinn will be healthy and he gives us the best chance to win. If he’s not healthy, we have the luxury of playing Arch and Arch is awesome and we’re still really good. Shut up with this bullshit
  6. Georgia’s best interior lineman was just carted to the locker room
  7. I wouldn’t downplay Colt’s NFL career either though. It never panned out for him as a starter, but a 12 year NFL career is probably like the top 99% by longevity. I think the average number of years in the league for drafted QBs is well under 5.
  8. I’ve been thinking he seems like a weird fit for Elko/Klein’s first QB recruit. He’s not unathletic, but he doesn’t exactly bring the rushing threat that the offense needs to be maximized and he’s not that big. He’s talented, and if you can get him to College Station I guess you have to do it. It’s almost like Elko and Klein don’t really have any kind of real plan or vision on how to put together that roster.
  9. Haha, that’s awesome. Quinn is bringing some edge this year, he knows how fucking good this team is
  10. All these SEC teams sucking today…maybe we did ruin the league
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