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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UncleSonny

  1. This is a probably an embarrassing one, but I’m almost 40 and I’ve never purchased a car. In HS and college I was driving my dad’s old truck. It was mine to use during that time but I never owned it. For college graduation my parents bought me a Toyota Camry. I drove that Camry for almost 15 years until a few years ago when my grandfather called me and offered me his car. He was moving into an assisted living facility and can’t drive anymore. I offered to purchase it from him or at least give him the proceeds of the sale from the Camry but he wouldn’t have it. Just told me to put the Camry money in my daughter’s 529 college account so that’s what I did. The car I got from him is in great shape, and vehicles (clearly) aren’t something I really give a shit about outside of practicality. It’s great not having a car payment and I’ll probably keep driving it until the wheels fall or another option somehow falls into my lap.
  2. Mike White doesn’t really seem like he’d be a big sports fan, but what a gift
  3. My dumb fuck uncle sharing a fake news story from something called the “Dunning Kruger Times” is a tad on the nose to be honest. The simulation may be glitching a bit.
  4. The non serious troll sure does have egg on his face now. Well done
  5. They “only” raised ours about 4%, but last year they also gave us a 10% loyalty discount. The ticket rep called the guy who buys our tickets every year and made it clear that they would not be offering any kind of loyalty discount today. He told her we were done because the team is shitty, Luka is gone, and prices keep going up.
  6. I know you just flipped the names, but it’s funny you got Colin Simmons’ name wrong so many times in such a short amount of time
  7. Tough break for whoever was in line to be the hammer at the end of the in memoriam up until yesterday.
  8. Sure, any day now the thing we’ve been saying weekly since 2016 is totally going to happen.
  9. This is where I’m at. I’m certainly not a Laker fan, but somehow it still doesn’t feel like I can be a Mavs fan at the moment either. I hope Luka embarrasses Nico so badly he isn’t seen for a while. If that fucker can even feel shame
  10. Good one. Besides the reductive racial stuff/white savior narrative, the football stuff was so fucking stupid. Michael Oher is a teenager in Tenn, but apparently has no concept of football. They teach him how by telling him to protect the QB like it’s his new white family. There is a scene where Sandra calls the HS head coach and he answers and talks to her on his cell in the middle of the game. Perfectly fine moment of silliness for a Hallmark movie, but I still can’t believe anyone ever took that shit seriously.
  11. ‘When is too young’ says the just asking questions guy. So your solution to this issue (which you’ve already admitted to knowing little about) is to take the decision away from the child, their parents, and their healthcare professionals and it give it to the Government (which you are adamant we cannot trust). Yeah, that’s tracks. You’re a real live and let live type.
  12. Perhaps, but he’s also a fucking coward
  13. All I saw was Martin claiming he never felt bullied at the time, meaning he overplayed the impact of the shit that Incognito said to for attention/sympathy or whatever. What did he claim Incognito did that was a lie? Pretty sure the accusations, such that they were, were all true. They had voicemails and did a full investigation: Seems like that goes well beyond locker room talk where boys will be boys to me. Incognito’s own actions (with Martin and otherwise) ruined his reputation, not any slander.
  14. Is that the dude from Arcade Fire? Did his pass for the 40th anniversary afterparty still work or something
  15. I noticed that too and looked up what was going on with him exactly. Apparently he broke his neck on the show in 2001 and has had a bunch of back and neck surgeries since. Makes that segment on his and other cast members doing prat falls a bit awkward.
  16. Was just about to post the same. Irrespective of what Martin is saying now (and he seems like a real piece of work), Incognito is a total piece of shit. Fuck em
  17. A list for a cabinet appointment?
  18. On election night while I was spiraling I told my wife this is a bad place full of bad people. I hate being this cynical about the world, it sucks. But here we are
  19. I don’t care about the MVP either way, but Josh Allen is a real one
  20. Funny, I’ve been on a mini Jeff Buckley kick lately and been wondering how his music would have evolved had he not drowned. Your mileage may very on Grace (I get the sense there has been some backlash to his hype), but he was really talented and obviously interested in a lot of different genres. It’s hard to even guess which direction his music would have gone in the early 2000s and beyond but it would be interesting at the least.
  21. The answer is pretty obvious. He’s young, a Gideon protege, and already has experience being a coach on the field:
  22. I’d be surprised if Huff was pushing hard for the gig tbh. I don’t know shit, but I get the sense that he enjoys the relative low stress/responsibility of what he currently does while still getting to be part of the program.
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