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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UncleSonny

  1. Maybe, but I wouldn’t take his gif teases too seriously. Guy makes his living hyping up engagement on these announcements, he’s used that Rogan one a few times now for relatively middle of the road commitments
  2. Interesting. Not sure what to make of it exactly, but I don’t remember a lot of job candidates making posts like this before.
  3. Nice. Jerrin Thompson to Florida would be worth a few Quinn tds when they visit Austin next year.
  4. We can take another swing at Williams once he hits the portal in two years.
  5. Damn, I don’t really follow NFL coaches salaries but my first impression was this had to be wrong. Nope. He just signed a 6 year deal worth $28M. It’s a huge range from the highest paid NFL coaches to the lowest.
  6. I mostly agree, but Washington is only getting about half of those Big10 payouts on the media deal for the next few years: https://sports.yahoo.com/inside-oregon-and-washingtons-jump-to-the-big-ten--it-was-both-of-us-or-none-of-us-141725222.html#:~:text=While all other Big Ten,with Fox%2C CBS and NBC.
  7. What is your favorite memory of Mike Stoops’ coaching tenure at UT?
  8. It’s been pretty quiet on the Harbaugh front, guess they are still in celebration mode. Would love to add a Michigan opening to the mix (and maybe FSU if Norvell goes to Bama). Gotta keep the chaos up so I don’t get tempted to do something crazy like get any work done.
  9. Whether he turned them down or his buyout made it impossible, Lanning played this pretty well
  10. I think it’s Lanning too, but I am curious about his buyout. Is there any real reporting about how much it actually is? I’ve seen it at least $20M, with some kind of escalator to it that makes it much higher. I’d love to know exactly how much higher and what that clause is exactly.
  11. Haha, I think CTJ was hinting at some funny Jimbo outcome that was in the works that he couldn’t say much about yet. And he does have Bama contacts…. but there is just no fucking way Jimbo has the juice to get job at this point. That would be hilarious though
  12. Pretty decent chance that he had no idea that Melania’s mom was still alive.
  13. If it comes down to Blackwell or Gbenda coming back, am I crazy for hoping it’s Blackwell?
  14. I heard a rumor they were a Big12 team this year but I have yet to verify that
  15. I’m never going to remember that we were in the same conference as UCF for a season
  16. Totally agree. The turn at “Michael, I have great affection for you and you live a rich and interesting life, but you’re a bag man, not an attorney” is like a lighting bolt that makes you sit up straight. And then it goes up from there. Gilroy wrote the hell out of it, but Wilkinson’s performance takes it to another level. Perfect matches between writer and performer like that scene is what I love about movies.
  17. Fine, I’ll watch Michael Clayton again tonight. RIP, he was great.
  18. Haha, wow. ESPN published an article that our backup qb is taking backup qb reps. Next level shit
  19. Pretty sure he’s a classic fullback. But it’s not like those really exist anywhere anymore outside of Jimbo’s offenses
  20. No word in English history has ever been doing as much heavy lifting as “arguably” is here
  21. Maybe it’s just the season, but whenever you follow CTJ around the site forcefully parroting his takes, I always picture you as this little guy
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