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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UncleSonny

  1. Hamm claiming Evan Stewart didn’t see a dime for committing to aggy is incredible stuff.
  2. If anyone wants a distraction from the distraction, Ewers posted this in IG about an hour ago. We should probably speculate wildly about what it means: https://www.instagram.com/p/CXPBPNMu89H/?utm_medium=copy_link
  3. Would be nice, doubt it would change too much this cycle but not bad to add a little more chaos right before signing day. He's listed as the primary recruiter for Brownlow-Dindy and Walter Nolan fwiw. May at least give Nolan some cover to take the bag from Tenn and flip. https://247sports.com/Coach/Elijah-Robinson-2195/AllTimeRecruits/
  4. Good point. Maybe Even Stewart’s can grow pretty long once he portals from aggy next year but don’t see it beating this one.
  5. Ephesians Prysock is furious with you, but I’ll allow it https://247sports.com/Player/Ephesians-Prysock-46081223/
  6. Lol at the 38 downvotes
  7. Yeah, what family would honestly. CTJ has told the story a few times of Bryce Young's father telling Saban in no uncertain terms to shut the fuck up about how much money he's making though NIL.
  8. He also said he doesn't think anything is imminent fwiw.
  9. Nahlin starting to feel more confident. Throws shade at Ketch and mentions they are sitting on two positive notes for UT's chances.
  10. Aggie got some guard I don’t know anything about even though apparently we offered him at some point. Where are their numbers now, I assume this doesn’t mean much in regards to Banks, Neto, and Dewberry
  11. Leveraging that detailed proposal for counter-offers from the places that he'd actually like to go.
  12. "We've been leaving a trail of bread crumbs to those here that have been paying attention..."
  13. Was today the day that we were supposed to hear about the mystery guy who wasn’t in the portal yet? Think it was an IT tease.
  14. Did Sark take the screen grab himself then text it to a random Texas Football Twitter account with 400 followers to leak? For reasons?
  15. I think that it is Ewers, what’s fake is that he was doing that dumb face/eating chicken during a FaceTime with Sark
  16. I feel that it’s a fake picture
  17. Could be checking in on a certain transfer qb from the area as well…
  18. Damn, that would be a crazy upgrade. Pretty surprised by that. Is he bringing his ND guy?
  19. Lol, I already forgot that guys name. Also, IDK. Steroid era, high altitude ball park…I just don’t see it.
  20. He choose not to play for Dodge for (smart) financial reasons. He choose not to play for Harrell largely because Todd Helton was a dead man walking. I didn’t say any different. He won’t play for them at Tech, because it’s Tech. Whatever he thinks about them it won’t move the needle enough to get him to Lubbock.
  21. Tell me then. What are the millions reasons to believe adding Harrell and/or Dodge matters in getting a guy like Ewers to Lubbock
  22. He choose an advance of his payday over playing for Riley Dodge his senior year. He could have committed and enrolled to play for Harrell at USC in August if he wanted to. But now those guys are going to get him to go fucking Tech? Nah
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