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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UncleSonny

  1. I guess Stoops and Riley were both hired without any HC experience but they were both much younger/up and coming guys at the time. It does seem pretty meh for them.
  2. Lol, Calzada has a post up on his IG story apologizing for telling their fans to “SMD”:
  3. Probably just take my word for it and don’t venture over there, but there is a full on debate happening on the football board whether Norman or Los Angeles is the better place to live.
  4. lol. I’ve missed experiencing joy on a college football Saturday
  5. Yeah I know he co-wrote O’s book with him or something like that (wonder who did most of the writing), but at this point I’m not sure what good it does him doubling down on bad info. We’ll see, I’ve always mostly liked Feldman. Would be disappointing to see him use his reporter cred to carry water for his dipshit buddy.
  6. I’m sure Feldman is pretty plugged in, and he’s not hedging at all. Don’t think Riley is happening.
  7. Wasn’t that same site saying UT, OU, and A&M we’re all making aggressive pushes for him like two days ago?
  8. Looch is still in a lather about what amounts to a vague (kind-of) shot at a&m. Also, he knows Sark's recruiting pitches to the word apparently. Hilarious that he paints himself as a master Horn troller while taking the bait at literally anything Texas related.
  9. You keep quoting this statistic like it means recruiting evaluators don't know what they are doing, but what percentage of three star players do you think make the NFL? (it's about 5 or 6 percent). We go through this every NFL draft when someone will post about how there were more 3* recruits drafted than 4 and 5 stars without understanding that there are literally 5X more three stars ranked every year. The recruiting sites aren't perfect and they miss on guys, but on the whole their rankings are hugely predictive of success both in college and the NFL. In the case of Tyler Johnson, sure maybe Alabama was in the position to pass on him based on a weak mental evaluation but Texas sure as shit was/is not.
  10. I’d like to think maybe Futureman just got Futureman’ed, but I think it’s more likely he got another person to bite on his bullshit with a terrible take.
  11. Boyfriend in this video is former USC 5* Max Browne. There are WAY worse options when listening to music with your daughter than Taylor Swift. It’s ok to admit something may not suck even when it’s not targeted to you specifically.
  12. I’ve been pretty despondent and checked out for the last few weeks, is there anything to get excited about or is this a flip from UTSA situation.
  13. Amazing that we are almost two years into this and so many people can only look at COVID as a binary, what are the chances that I die/don't die from it. That's the only consideration. Curious if that is how you guys make every decision in your lives, just a risk assessment whether this thing will literally kill me or not.
  14. Lots of salty Cowboys fans in here. He didn’t make his career off of “one play”. He had one of the best rookie seasons ever and his first 3 years were elite using any metric. It’s also true he’s been just a JAG since about 2017 when injuries started piling up. I don’t think he has much left in the tank. But young healthy ODB was one of the best wrs in the NFL regardless of that one highlight.
  15. It's probably not worth diving into because But he can't even be logically consistent in his bullshit. He purposely broke protocol and decided he didn't have to wear a mask during inside pressers because that protocol is only based on "shaming" and all the reporters were vaccinated, thus safe. Then in the same interview he tries to run down the vaccine for not being "so great" because vaxxed individuals can still get it. So which is it shithead? Fuck this guy.
  16. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/business/story/2021-10-22/alec-baldwin-rust-camera-crew-walked-off-set
  17. Yeah no doubt. Like somebody said above this was a ton of fuckups all the way down the line by lots of people that ended in tragedy.
  18. I have a buddy that's a prop master who I've been texting with. He's got some friends who were working on the film, apparently the whole production has been a shit show. The camera team tried to walk off the show last week because of gun/special effects safety concerns. The armorer is some 24 year old kid who clearly had no idea what he was doing. This is going to be a mess.
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