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Jack Burton

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Everything posted by Jack Burton

  1. 30 million more people had healthcare because of ACA. Pre-existing conditions were covered. Recognize that. Hell, Tomi Lauren stayed on her parents insurance til she was 26, and it's her sole job to bitch about him.
  2. Socialism only works when there's no minorities and less money to manage. Thanks for the summary Surly R's/libertarians.
  3. Heartland voted for a Manhattan real estate developer who despises the Heartland
  4. Stu Feiner laying down the first bets was greatness on display.
  5. Hillary is a bitch. I don't know why I think that, but Fox News, talk radio, the websites I visit and the very first emails I ever received convinced me. 25 years of this madwoman LOCK HER UP
  6. If you guys gave more to your local church they would have fixed this by now.
  7. Gonna be interesting to watch how all the new Floridians via Puerto Rico will vote.
  8. Only needed an Obama reference and I would've had a buzzword bingo
  9. Good evening Sir, my name is Steve. I come from a rough area. I used to be addicted to crack but now I am off it and trying to stay clean. That is why I am selling magazine subscriptions.
  10. We have a president that cant name any specific details about any position he has been told to take by his team.
  11. Well one of those people's allegations always originated on talk radio and spam email, while the other actually committed them and was tracked by the FBI
  12. LOVING those extra 35 dollars
  13. I've dressed up as Larry Culpepper for the last two Halloweens and watched football all day at Little Woodrows. Lot of free drinks. This HURTS
  14. Johnny Sack has a law degree from Texas and he posts stupid shit like that regularly. Probably has stipulations in his trust that his kids have to marry white people from two parent households.
  15. no they should only apply to teachers
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