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Jack Burton

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Everything posted by Jack Burton

  1. Better question is how much you have in your 401k, cause then people's opinions would matter.
  2. In Austin, 24 on 48 off, shift change at noon. Make 50k out of probation, 56k next year, 63k year after, 68k for next 3 years. Every extra shift you pick up is potentially 24 hours overtime. Sweet gig that had alot of city ff's making close to 100k a year because they couldn't hire anyone for 3 years due to a DOJ investigation. That's coming to an end with all the new classes coming in. AFD is the most sought after dept in the state and has a ton of national applicants as well. Not much fire compared to Houston, mostly medical and responding to car wrecks, flooding is a big issue at both depts. Not 100% sure but I think Houston has 4 shifts instead of 3 which is why their pay was lower overall but higher hourly. I think the work schedule was 24 on 24 off 24 on and 96 off. Somewhere in that schedule they're supposed to work the box (ambulance) but can't remember exactly. Their apparatus and ambulances are an absolute joke (their words) and tell stories of how they had to use duck tape to strap people down on longboards cause they couldn't get the city to replace straps timely. Residents of Houston deserve better in terms of funding and attention for their city.
  3. Be a better Christian
  4. Kavanaugh is pretending to be a church bitch.
  5. Johnny Sack thinks all of you need Jesus and he doesn't.
  6. Thanks for posting. Glad I can be angered over something new that nobody will ever know about
  7. HFD firefighters have a pretty sweet schedule, but still have all their young guys leaving and trying to get into Austin and any other city dept. Hell all of the older HFD guys are straight up telling the young guys they should leave. There were 4 alone at the beginning of Cadet class 126 here in Austin and has been a steady stream leaving in previous classes and around 6 that are coming in the next cadet class. None of them expect to be paid the same as cops, because they recognize that job is harder and full of more BS. They can even accept a small bump in pay, it was the pension fucking that really needed to be addressed. Generally I'm a troll in the politics section, but have a little bit of an unique insight in this and will try to give some insightful thought. Don't get used to it.
  8. I guess "devil's threesome" was just too straightforward
  9. Hits close to home cause I know a girl from Chevy Chase. Her brothers are fucked up shitbags so it must be a DC thing
  10. This is fucking laughable
  11. Let's sort out the illegal kids so we can point at them and blame them for problems
  12. Stros is a recruiter for $8-14/hr temp positions.
  13. It's Friday, you ain't got no job
  14. Noone gives a shit about it
  15. Slorch is a shitty sales manager who has been passed up by time. Making NWA references after people haven't given a shit about them for 25 years should have been enough of a sign
  16. So 6 kids with 4 baby mamas. Cheated on all 3 wives.
  17. No it isnt
  18. I feel like Libertarians and Bitcoin nerds should get in a room and see who's head explodes first from the shit they pretend to know.
  19. You can't name one case the Court is taking up without using Google. 99% of ppl can't, but it's VERY important to take the conservative judges opinion isn't it? I'm sure everyone on both sides will get their talking points a week before a decision though
  20. XR, I was being sarcastic you dumb bitch
  21. Why aren't you laughing? She Guevara is fucking hilarious
  22. But he wasn't, he was killed for being gay.
  23. Have any of you olds actually seen trickle down work?
  24. Well fuck, checkmate. GG
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