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Just imagine if liberals cared as much about the law-abiding parents being permanently separated from their children in Chicago -- 12 more this weekend -- as they did the illegal immigrants being incarcerated while their children are held in detention centers awaiting deportation. But that will never happen because it would lead to the admission that Chicago is a 21st-century plantation with Democratic masters like Rahm Emanuel, Dick Durbin and Mike Madigan exchanging base-level subsistence for votes to keep them in power.
Or as bad as shooting our elected officials at baseball practice, huh? This is what Maxine Waters' America looks like. If you cast a vote for a Democrat, you're supporting her vision. Period.
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1) Which right-wingers are murdering people? 2) I guess you strongly condemn this Antifa attack in the strongest terms possible? https://www.marinecorpstimes.com/news/your-marine-corps/2018/08/06/recruiting-operations-continue-after-berkeley-protesters-target-window-of-marine-recruiting-station/
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What frustrates you more... the booming economy that's positively impacted all sectors of the workforce or the rebirth of America as a global military power, highlighted by the eradication of ISIS in Iraq and Syria?
Yep. He called out five specific outlets. The American media is comprised of thousands of organizations. Have a nice night.
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That's actually not what the First Amendment says. It says "Congress shall make no law..." If you want to define a president claiming a media report as false as somehow being interference, then you can do so. But there's not a First Amendment violation when the subject of a report who holds political office says it's inaccurate or when the subject of a report who holds political office criticizes the source.
He didn't say the press was the enemy of the people, but by watching CNN's false reporting you've been led to believe that. Trump also isn't inspiring a "hate movement" against the media but again, if you're watching CNN you'd be led to believe that. First of all, the term is reserved for those persecuted based on race, ethnicity, national origin, gender or sexual preference and not career choice. Secondly, Trump has not called for "hostility or violence" against any member of the media. But, you know, aside from those two issues that make this an inherently inaccurate statement, I guess this is somehow acceptable in today's media?
That's probably because of 1) the criticisms were grounded in truth unlike the CNN vitriol and 2) you clearly don't understand what the role of the media in our representative republic is. Also, can you think of a time when a reporter from a news network has told the president's press secretary what she should be saying? Acosta's tantrum last week was a complete abandonment of what the roles of the reporter, the press secretary and the president have been in a White House briefing. The press secretary gives a statement, then explains what the president's position is in response to questions from reporters who've been called on. It's not, and it never has been, the role of the press secretary to give his or her opinions on topics. Of lesser concern is that Acosta was having to shout down his peers in the media in order to engage in his grandstanding prima donna act. If Acosta wants the press secretary to say that the press isn't the enemy of the people, then he should run for president so he can direct the press secretary to say that. Additionally, Acosta's tantrum reeks of gender bias/misogyny, but few pundits would dare comment on that aspect of the exchange when the liberal perspective is that Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a "traitor to her gender." All of this is why CNN has become a farce. If more than 800,000 people were watching, I'd be concerned about it. As it is, it's simply another distraction from the unparalleled success this president is enjoying on domestic and foreign fronts.
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Funny... in J312 class and subsequent journalism classes at UT I was taught the role of the media was to provide citizens with accurate information. But if you want to believe it has a completely different role -- to be critical of those in power -- then we can easily see why whether or not there is accuracy in the criticism is completely irrelevant to you and your Trump-hating ilk. By the way -- were you a huge supporter of Fox News, Rush, Hannity, Breitbart, Drudge, etc. for their criticisms of Obama? I must have missed those posts during that eight-year period in which you believed the media was supposed to be critical of him and the Democrats.
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Even if that were true, it still wouldn't explain why Rocket Man stopped launching missiles into the Pacific at a rate of one every three weeks. On the other hand, seeing three carrier strike groups off his coast probably served as a wake up call when his generals explained to him what each would be capable of accomplishing in the span of three hours.
Yet had not done since 2004. C'mon... at least have some integrity in what you're posting.
Hmmm.... 1. Zero missile launches or nuclear tests since November 2017, following a 12-month period in which 18 such tests had been conducted. 2. "Satellite imagery reviewed by 38 North , a website that covers North Korea, suggests North Korea is dismantling key parts of the Sohae Satellite Launching Station, where Kim has presided over the launch of rockets meant to put satellites in orbit. So far, a rail-based site for transporting the rockets and a vertical engine testing stand have been dismantled, 38 North reports." https://www.businessinsider.com/north-korea-dismantles-sohae-missile-site-satellite-launch-vehicle-win-for-trump-2018-7 3. "North Korea transferred the remains of an unspecified number of soldiers killed in the Korean War, the White House said on Thursday, a first step by Pyongyang to implement an agreement made in a landmark summit in June in Singapore. The repatriation of remains of U.S. soldiers missing in the 1950-53 conflict is seen as a modest diplomatic coup for U.S. President Donald Trump because it was one of the agreements reached during his summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Singapore on June 12." https://www.ntd.tv/2018/07/27/north-korea-transfers-remains-of-korean-war-soldiers-white-house/
You're right... you're right.... we should only listen to ONE side of the economic argument, such as what Nobel Prize winners like Paul Krugman offer. Anyone else is just completely unqualified to comment on the situation, especially when they restrict their arguments to presenting numeric data. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/projects/cp/opinion/election-night-2016/paul-krugman-the-economic-fallout "A global recession with no end in sight..."
And here's a detailed explanation on why the DO matter, especially in the wake of/as a contributor to the loss of manufacturing jobs. But as the average Shaggy liberal lawyer couldn't care less about the plight of America's middle class -- wrongly assuming Barack Hussein Obama, II was correct in saying those manufacturing jobs weren't coming back -- there can be no acknowledgement of learned economists making an argument of why trade deficits DO matter and why Trump's victories in trade wars with the EU and China will eventually benefit most Americans. Here are some folks who understand that, though. Their steel mill has opened up two blast furnaces since The Donald went to Washington. https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2016/12/trump-trade-deficit/509912/
Feel free to educate yourself here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/govbeat/wp/2015/03/17/the-united-states-of-subsidies-the-biggest-corporate-winners-in-each-state/?utm_term=.390129f53c85 And then come back and admit you were wrong.
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