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Everything posted by BTW

  1. Heard this at a Christmas party last night. At this point they can have Oxy+Anadarko for what the offered for Anadarko alone.
  2. What a shit head thing to do
  3. If it’s anything like your SS, I can’t wait to read it. Congrats
  4. It took me a while to track down the video so let's see if this works It's a .mov file so it won't let me post it directly. Here is the dropbox link
  5. Sorry for the FB video link, but this is worth clicking and watching to the end (all 45 seconds of it). https://www.facebook.com/jefbwerner/videos/10219351653969669/ It’s a friend of a friend here in Midland and was taken during this past weekend’s airshow out here.
  6. I forgot about Snowcrash. I really liked it and that is exactly the type of book that I’m searching for.
  7. Let's go ahead and get this guy back to area 51 asap
  8. RIP. I know the community here in Midland will be really shaken by this.
  9. I've really enjoyed the books I've read featuring augmented humans and the abilities they create. Some my fave's have been Neuromancer and Ramez Naam's Nexus series, and Brown's Red Rising. Any one know of any other great "Bio-Punk" titles I should check out?
  10. Man, my heart goes out to the families of those aboard. I only have a few hours in a kingair (it was a 200 not a 350) but I remember us having to "Arm" the auto-feather system. Maybe it wasn't armed, or didn't get tested pref-light? PS, be fore you ask how I only have a few king air hours, I'm not qualified to fly one, but was right seat with a guy who typically flies single pilot.
  11. Haven't done it in a bit, but for those type of well, I typically go with a hybrid of hyperbolic for the initial decline then go with logarithmic one it looks like its starting to level out and stabilize.
  12. Haven't checked this thread in a while, but just want to add that David is just about the nicest and most genuine guy you could ever meet. I actually know him and some of the extended family of the officer that he mistakenly shot. I say mistakenly, because there is no way he did it on purpose.
  13. The second "h" in eighth didn't make it into that sentence. But the math is based on 1/8 oz doses not 8oz, sorry for any confusion.
  14. Hang on ... 16.5 tons is 528,000 oz. Which makes 4.224 Million eight oz "doses" That's $236 for an 8ball. Maybe they are assuming it will be cut a time or two, but unless I'm missing something it seems like their billion dollar figure is a bit inflated. Maybe it's not off at all, I wouldn't know, I've never bought the stuff.
  15. Due to family history, I've been getting these gems yearly since I was 35. The highlight so far was when I went in for a post vasectomy follow-up and the Dr wasn't in. So his fairly young/hot PA did the scrotal exam then went ahead and did the DRE since I was already there. I had no idea how much more pleasant it is with her slim, feminine fingers. I hope they don't think it's weird, but I believe I'll be requesting her for my DREs from now on.
  16. I loved the three body trilogy, so I guess to each their own. I just finished "The Prefect" by Alistair Reynolds. Pretty good read, but:
  17. Bump because this seems like the running thread for this site. I've been running 2x a week for about 9 years now. I run the same 6.5 mile loop a lunch every Monday and Wednesday with a group of guys. Having turned 40 this year, I am thinking about training to "run my age" on a 10k before I turn 41(next April). We currently run ~7:30 pace on our bi weekly runs, so by my math I need to shave approx 1 min/mile from that time. Obviously I'm going to have to mix in some tempo runs and track work to do that, but I'm wondering if anyone knows of a good program and or track work calculator that will tell me what pace I need to be keeping on my track intervals to work toward that goal. Gracias
  18. Baseless prediction time: Pioneer and Parsley merge. Daddy Sheffield just took the reigns back at Pioneer, but with the Jr. Sheffield out of the way at Parsley and dad having stepped aside, it looked like it was clearing the way for a merger that wouldn't be based wholly and completely on nepotism (even though that's exactly what it would be).
  19. Checking in. Cut out my Grande cable service yesterday. Still keeping them for internet (they are the fastest and only really reliable provider where I live). Monthly bill dropped $170. I'm pretty mad at myself for not doing this sooner. Youtube TV worked like a charm last night and I like being able to stream it from a phone/tablet/laptop as well as to the TVs. Planning to switch over to directv or playstation streaming during football season for LHN, but otherwise it's going well. Does anyone pay for the a-la-carte premium channels alongside your streaming services? (HBO Now, or whatever it's called etc)
  20. I'll defer to you more seasoned vets on advice here, but on short final, I like to pick a small and specific spot on the runway, say the near near of a runway stripe or the top right corner of the left-side runway number. Then I just keep that spot from moving in any direction relative to my position, if it's centered in the windshield, it shouldn't move, it should only get bigger. On back-pressure, I just go level and look at the end of the runway before the wheels touch, then I apply however much back pressure is require to keep the plane from sinking. When I do it right, I can land on the mains and the nose-wheel never touches the ground for a touch and go (which is also good practice for short field take-off).
  21. Looks like more of a shove than a jump to me. I'd definitely do it though
  22. Not a hood fight, but it’s insane
  23. I agree about the MB: I took it once ans was an INTJ, I took it later ans was an ENFP. Maybe I changed, maybe it was the test? A couple of months ago I took the Enneagram as Part of some group/team building thing. I seemed to be much more "spot on" than the MB and when I read the descriptions of my findings I found my self agreeing, not only with their assessments of me, but those of my wife/friends.
  24. Our club had demo day last Friday. I was out there warming up on the range before my round and couldn't help but strike up a conversation with the ping rep. I currently have the i20 irons which I have greatly enjoyed. He encouraged me to hit the i210 and holy shit, I didn't realize the technology could be that much better after only ~5 years. Pure is pure, but the misses were where the new club really stood out. Needless to say, I had an impulse buy and PW-4i are on the way. He also encouraged me to hit the driver and alas, I have a 9* G410 on the way as well.
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