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Everything posted by BTW

  1. Update time ... (Recap - I posted back in early Dec about my business partner that went in for a 30 day treatment program last year after a terrible week long trip to the hospital that was caused by his drinking) He came back to the office on Monday of this week and and it was totally surreal. The first thing I noticed is how much weight he had dropped, it was startling. The second thing I noticed, was his face. It didn't have that shiny/sweaty/glistening-oily look that I had grown so used to seeing over the last 10 years. I didn't notice the third thing until he sat down and started telling me about his experience. The only word I can use to describe his demeanor is "Zen." And if you knew the guy before, that's probably the last word anyone would use to describe him. He was always so agitated, nervous, and fidgety. His hands would always be trembling and he used to seem like he was always ready to jump up and run out of the room at a moment's notice. For the first time, he seems to truly be at peace in his own skin. To make a long story short, he seems to have totally changed. He did admit that half way through the program, he signed his 24 hour release papers and was out of there before some of the guys who were in there with him talked him off the ledge and he stuck it out. He said he's so glad he did and that he learned so much about himself and about the asshole he's been to his family the last 15 years, that he didn't even realized. So now, we're "back to business" in a sense, and I'm still trying to figure out and navigate being supportive without being condescending, not really having any idea what he's been through. I will say that watching him and his family go through this has caused me to pay much closer attention to my drinking and especially when, why and how much I drink. (Examples being, I've stopped drinking alone when I'm just watching a TV show and I'm trying not to drink out of boredom).
  2. Buying opportunity on ALPP as well today
  3. Kinda forgot about my BIOL position, nice to see it wake up out of nowhere.
  4. Do you guys think BTC and some of the other larger cryptos taking some share away from dollar denominated commodities as an inflation hedge/cash parking vehicle? I tend to think that is part of what is driving the upswing we've seen over these last months. That, and the acknowledgement and attempted regulation of them by the US Gov.
  5. I've been enjoying this nice little runup in Synthetix the last couple of days. I threw a little gambling money at it. Still waiting for the retracement in BTC before putting some more cash to work
  6. I'm buying this dip ... in for a penny ... in for a pound.
  7. Well my standing order of $3.50 on ALPP executed and I’m out with a huge gain. But holy shit it’s still running!
  8. Well my standing order of $3.50 on ALPP executed and I’m out with a huge gain. But holy shit it’s still running!
  9. No, everyone needs to keep doing exactly what they have been doing. DON'T CHANGE A THING!
  10. Hell yes I'm still in, that's what I'll be buying the airplane with. I know you're right about getting to "house money" in order to let it ride, but I'd be buying a significantly nicer airplane if I'd let it all ride. Oh well ... c'est la vie as they say.
  11. I sold enough at $.13 to cover my buy-in ... now I'm wondering what could have been. I'll be buying an airplane with the proceeds and will use it to deliver the Lagavulin
  12. I'm trying to remind myself that selling MINE this morning at $.0015 netted me a 225% gain and not pay attention to the fact that it's sitting at $.0025 as of this writing ... but it's difficult.
  13. If you are willing to listen to a guy in a stretched out v-neck with 80k youtube subscribers ...
  14. It's taken 3 days, but I've been able to work my XMET position down to 1M shares taking a small profit. I have some MINE but obvi wish I had more. I too have averaged down on TSNP and gotten my average cost down to near a dime. Were we talking about psilocybin stonks on here? I can't remember, but I got a little PSYC and its looking good so far.
  15. in for a penny, in for a pound ... amirite?
  16. PSA ... TSNP broke through that $.14 support and is currently at $.125 I put in a buy order just above a dime to see if it executes.
  17. Thanks @SwanderedTalent and @BearSchlong for the answers. I know you lot have much bigger problems if a picture of a glass of whiskey is offensive, but I felt it was worth acknowledging. As requested, I'll keep you updated. He'll be there till the 2nd week in Jan so I expect it to be quiet through the holidays.
  18. I have questions and this seems like the venue, if not, please let me know and I'll move along ... Short intro: my business partner whom I've sat in an office with for the last decade is currently in a 30 day in-patient treatment program and I'm looking for some info on how to support him when he gets back. Background: I think he's known he had a problem for a while because in the spring/early summer he hired an addiction counselor and did a 40 day dry spell. The whole time he claimed it was temporary and he just needed to get it under control but he was never planning to stop forever. Then this fall he went back to drinking but it was supposed to be "in more moderation." Then the day after Thanksgiving he ends up in the hospital with pancreatitis, which was bad, but according to the doctors, what put him in the ICU for nearly a week was the withdrawal. He had a seizure, was hallucinating, confused, delirious, moody, and couldn't sleep. After he got over that, the docs said he was lucky to be alive, so he took it to heart and 2 days after getting home, checked himself into the previously mentioned 30 day program. Questions: 1) I don't know how to talk about it with our work associates (vendors, customers, partners, etc). When I've told a few of them frankly what happened, it feels like gossip and it's not my story to tell. But I don't know what to say when they ask about him. 2) I've already taken the beers we kept in our work fridge home. I was thinking about re-stocking it with some NA beers before he gets back, but I don't know if that's a good idea or not. 3) Should I go to some Al-anon meetings? Would it help me to read the blue book? I really want him to succeed, and I want to be as prepared as possible to help. 4) We do a lot of business at Happy Hours and sometimes boozy dinners, etc. How do I handle that sort of thing moving forward? TIA for any input, and like I said, if this isn't the venue, please point me to the appropriate place. EDIT to say, I just realized my avatar is highly inappropriate for this thread, no offense meant by it. (but this is surly, and we're all a bunch of assholes)
  19. Well I guess the link doesn’t work because the presentation is over. I’ll see if I can find the recording. But here is the slide deck. http://cloud.tapatalk.com/s/5fd106550c5e8/12-9-20%20Midland%20Presentation%20VF.pdf
  20. Dan Pickering is currently giving his thoughts on Oil & Gas for the next year ... Microsoft Teams Link
  21. When you get to the moon, you may take half of you position in profits, but make sure to keep half in incase it goes to Jupiter
  22. It's happening with ALPP back to $.48 as of this writing Someone did this earlier, so here are my positions: ALPP @ $.1136 avg TSNP @$.18 avg (obiv was late to this one) XMET @$.000625 avg
  23. Same ... I'll just average down with the inevitable retracement comes.
  24. I started playing in these out of boredom during the initial shut-down last spring, LINK & XRP mostly, although I do have some ETH and BTC just for the fomo. My guess is cryptos (particularly BTC) are a hedge against the threat of a weakening Dollar. People don't want to be in cash and a lot of the capital markets are trading at bonkers multiples.
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