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Buck Strickland

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  1. She was on hinge. I shot my shot, had to. Don't care if not successful, you have to swing hard.
  2. 4 and 5 have the most raw talent although it's a little like being the smartest kid in special ed.
  3. If I would have been born poor and disenfranchised I would have been a pimp
  4. I'd get a tattoo but that would be like putting a bumper sticker in a Ferrari
  5. Wish Biden would refer to him as Traitor Trump or Trump the Traitor ever single time. I realize democrats feel the need to not stoop to his level but fight fire with fire and quit being letting this cocksucker get away with spewing his bullshit.
  6. The BLM protests will look like an after church Sunday picnic compared to what will happen if he steals the election
  7. Maybe if you only know how to do lot and block title surveys. Thank you for the education of what a surveyor is and good luck hiring one worth a shit at that beat down rate. Agree to disagree
  8. Maybe but I think you are both referring to hiring field crew members vs. Registered surveyor.
  9. Haha for the sake of the thread, that number isn't close. That's probably close to starting at a small firm but closer to $150k for 5 to 10 year experienced PM/RPLS. 10 year plus with business development experience is around $250k. My original thread derailment point was that land surveyors, particularly in Texas, are no longer the red headed step child of the engineering/construction world. Not to say we are not all whores in one way or another, we just try to be the high end Vegas ones. Then again this is based on my own observations and I don't have anything to prove so I don't think I need to go full rocko. Back to the thread, fuck Trump.
  10. Not to derail thread but yes its true. It is a good time to be a surveyor in Texas due to the fact there are more dying than becoming registered each year creating a shortage.
  11. Well actually, registered surveyors make considerably more than engineers here in Texas. Atleast the good ones do.
  12. I get the sentiment about law enforcement in Williamson county but as a resident that lives less than a mile from where this happened, I would like to cordially invite you to go fuck yourself.
  13. Did the Lincoln project do that video? Hahaha Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
  14. Please let this be real estate douche
  15. Wouldn't work this year but when my daughter was in elementary school I called my wife and told her my daughter shit her pants and to take her some clothes immediately. Everyone in the school office and my wife laughed their ass off. Daughter was about 10 at the time and she did not laugh when told about it.
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