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Everything posted by lateshow

  1. Agreed. Really good. Also, Marty looks like shit.
  2. I haven't read the thread, so as to avoid any spoilery shit. But is this worth a watch?
  3. Pretty much my thouhts. It was okay. Filled an hour and a half on a Saturday after doing yard work all day, with a good beer buzz. I won't be watching it again. Also, good to see Carcetti Littlefinger finding some work.
  4. You should turn it back on. I hate all that gore shit too, but it was a really good story.
  5. Just want to add, this show sucks.
  6. I just started season 2, which is 2019, and he retired. Guess he's back? From what I've seen, I like Ricciardo.
  7. Just checking out this thread after becoming addicted to the Formula 1 series on Netflix. Who is everyone's favorite team/driver?
  8. It's a mat. With different conclusions you can jump to.
  9. Totally agree. I've never cared anything about F1, but I started this on the recommendation of Surly. Fantastic.
  10. I did not. Streaming anywhere?
  11. Burned some kids toes off with battery acid. Yikes.
  12. Is Ashton Kutcher really a movie star, though? His biggest hits have been That 70s Show, The Ranch, and Punk'd.
  13. Yep. Thought of those two, also.
  14. I'd say Junior had as much hand in raising Tony as Johnny Boy. They were very close.
  15. White Caps. Season 4 Finale.
  16. She was sick of Carmela's snooty ass attitude. Stick that dagger where it hurt.
  17. Sneaky? Charmaine is straight up hot.
  18. Wahlberg was my first thought when I saw the thread title. But damn if I don't enjoy his movies.
  19. Damn man. Maybe he'd just like to take her out to a nice seafood dinner.
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