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Everything posted by lateshow

  1. Being a follower in a cult is more fun. But being the leader pays better.
  2. 100%. I've noticed the exact same thing.
  3. Last night's episode was meh. I know it's setting up the season, but Taylor is such a drag and a bad character that she brings down the whole show for me. Her usefulness is about 3 seasons past expiration.
  4. I love the Beastie Boys, but I heard it's all them apologizing for the 80s like some bitches. Is this true?
  5. For me, it's right after Peaky Blinders. (RIP Mindhunter)
  6. He was also playing in a system that did not maximize his talents. That offense was "dump it in to Hakeem or Chuck and let them work."
  7. The infamous Corny drive thru video.
  8. Dude was Dog before Dog. This one was fantastic.
  9. He's got a good podcast doing just that. I also listen to Something to Wrestle with Bruce Prichard, commonly known as Brother Love. It's great for wrestling history.
  10. That was Jordan's second season. He was talking about his rookie season. Orlando was on the team his rookie season. https://www.nytimes.com/1988/02/24/sports/woolridge-admits-to-cocaine-problem.html
  11. I literally lol'd. So whatevs.
  12. I haven't opened that yet, but I'm gonna bet it was Orlando Woolridge.
  13. Spoiler alert. Next you're going to tell us who of the Vikings and the Saxons wins. Well.......?
  14. To be fair, if anyone could pull this off, it would be this cast.
  15. They say older the berry, sweeter the juice. It's blacker the berry, sweeter the juice. She blacker than a mother fucker too.
  16. I've never seen Dude Where's My Car all the way through.
  17. One of the small, inconsequential things that always cracked me up is Pierce's sheer hatred of Vicky.
  18. Agreed and agreed. I didn't know the Natives in Canada were so tied into organized crime.
  19. The Gentlemen. I loved it. Wife wife did not. She's not exactly the type to enjoy Guy Ritchie movies.
  20. Just watched this and it is 100% greatness.
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