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Everything posted by lateshow

  1. I like it. And yes, she is very very smoke.
  2. People that say snakes are poisonous. It's venomous you dumb mother fuckers.
  3. No shit. I don't think my wife even knows that we have air filters, much less that they need to be changed.
  4. Did they feature the group sassy black women that actually put him on the moon?
  5. Not my man Bill! He held out for that "fuck you, T-Mobile money!"
  6. All that buildup of the Golden Company....and poof, they're gone in 10 seconds.
  7. And then they got framed for murdering a store clerk. Crazy movie.
  8. I really hate that it's over, but that finale was fucking brilliant!
  9. The 10 Worst Humans on Veep http://www.theringer.com/tv/2019/5/10/18564258/veep-character-ranking
  10. Yep, yep, yep. Taylor is without a doubt, the dullest and least compelling of a antagonist that I can remember. She was okay playing a machine like analyst for Axe, as the main competition for him? No way. Also, really lazy writing to basically just give her a female Wags as an assistant. The writers couldn't have come up with something a little more creative?
  11. This is correct. I'm 6'2 235 lbs with broad shoulders. Aisle seat only for me. I can't fit in the middle or window seats.
  12. You could've just said Cardi B and left it at that. She's the worst.
  13. Billions is also going down this road.
  14. Wow man. She blow the gardener with that mouth?
  15. I'm pretty close to being right there with you.
  16. You're a tad sensitive aren't you?
  17. Some how you got that I enjoy it? Out of this ^?
  18. Not a college football fan, huh?
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