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Everything posted by lateshow

  1. Unlike Chris Farley, whom I also loved, I don't think you can find one person that has a negative thing to say or didn't enjoy John Candy.
  2. Grown ass men that wear sneakers with suits. I'm looking at you every dude on ESPN, and Skip Bayless.
  3. LMAO! Yeah, they were happy to your face. Because women, bro.
  4. Lulz at you thinking Vic's women eat vegetables.
  5. Typical neighborhood kid stuff.
  6. Did any of them try to give you a handy?
  7. I liked it. Not as much as season 1, and much more than season 2.
  8. I did too. I just didn't realize he was talked about enough to qualify for overrated.
  9. If you just bite them off, they don't shoot across the room either.
  10. Vodka and lemon LaCroix is my go-to at home.
  11. Is Ashton Kutcher even rated?
  12. Uh, no. Knibb High Football rules.
  13. She looks pretty good on this season of True Detective.
  14. Speaking of homeless and Hispanics, I never see any homeless Hispanic people around Dallas or panhandling on street corners. Because they live 20 or so deep in a house with relatives or friends.
  15. What? That's the best time to do it. They're softened up and don't shoot across the room like shrapnel.
  16. Everyone knows that Pepsi is made from smashed ants.
  17. I've seen them all. There is no Mrs. Macgregor. I'm gonna assume he means Mrs. McMurray.
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