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Everything posted by lateshow

  1. You realize you're posting on a message board comprised mainly of Texans right?
  2. Does she also complain about her battery life being too short?
  3. You got a problem with Canada gooses and you got a problem with me. Let that one marinate.
  4. http://shopus.letterkenny.tv/
  5. How do astronauts mix a batch?
  6. Exactly what I said. She's fucking horrible.
  7. You agree that Kandi is attractive? Cause I just don't see it.
  8. I spent an entire spring break my junior year of high school (1999) putting a new 350 in my buddy's 1985 Chevy Blazer. We had a blast.
  9. Definitely. I don't know that he's done anything other than live in OJ's guest house and be called to testify in the trial.
  10. You'd never heard of Kato? How old are you?
  11. You sound like a man whose wife got pissed at him because she had a dream he was cheating on her. (Been there, brother)
  12. What kind of fucking grown man can't change a tire? My 7 year old son knows how to change a tire. Give your balls a tug, boys. Make sure they're still there.
  13. Nah man. I've never seen any of them. I've also never seen any of the Harry Potter franchise, and only part of the first Lord of the Rings. Fantasy is not really my genre.
  14. lateshow

    Gym Pet Peeves

    New Year Resolutioners with their lack of gym etiquette and taking up every freaking station.
  15. Maybe it's been addressed, but I'm not going through 27 pages, but has Frontier been mentioned? Anyone watch that and any recommendations on it?
  16. I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, and I really have no desire to either. I've only seen one Bond movie, GoldenEye. Which I only "saw" in between making out with my Jr High girlfriend.
  17. Small observation, but has anyone else that has watched all the seasons, or the majority of them, noticed that the hockey players quit dipping and Katy started covering up more?
  18. Don't know. Don't care. I just know that the Stones music is way better than the Beatles overrated catalog.
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