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Everything posted by lateshow

  1. Well that one went right over my head.
  2. Who gives a shit? Leave it out and let housekeeping pick it up in the morning.
  3. Let's add duck boots to the mix too. Bring the whole gang back together.
  4. Can i refill your eggnog for you? Get you something to eat? Drive you out to the middle of nowhere and leave you for dead?
  5. Goes both ways, pal. Scroll twitter some time.
  6. You sure this isn't a scam? You're probably marketing these oils to the floppy asses too. We know what you and Rudy did in the Navy.
  7. I've gotta say....I've never seen such a thing. But it sounds idiotic.
  8. I watched The Christmas Chronicles this past weekend with the wife and kids. We loved it. Jack Burton as Santa Claus kicked all kinds of ass.
  9. I'm from Arkansas, and I (and all my buddies) find it hilarious. One of my favorite shows of all time.
  10. The Last Kingdom fucking rules. Skade. Wood. So hot.
  11. Why don't you go back to your home on whore island?
  12. I can't believe none of y'all have mentioned Caddyshack.
  13. Is this a formal invitation to all of us Surlies?
  14. It was a simpler time, my dude.
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