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Everything posted by lateshow

  1. I always figured Cooper to be the catcher as opposed to the pitcher.
  2. Same here. It was boring, but it did advance story line and get a timeline established. Any progress toward Jimmy becoming Saul is good for me.
  3. You mean she was hotter at 25 than 38? Wow. Scorching hot take.
  4. Cost of doing business. The point he made is worth the money it cost him.
  5. pornhub.com is where you probably need to start. NTTAWWT
  6. As opposed to just letting the water rush into your home unimpeded?
  7. He's not wrong about a lot of what he said. Problem is, that conflicted with the echo chamber of Hollywood.
  8. Yellowstone on Paramount Network has already broken that barrier.
  9. Norm is the funniest dude on the planet. I still laugh until I cry watching his roast of Bob Saget.
  10. lateshow


    I thought I heard Scottie say "except for you Tyler, you've been getting a steady diet of that." Guess I heard him wrong, he was speaking in a weird nerd dialect.
  11. It’s on my dvr, so i plan on watching tonight. Just hoping she’s not supposed to be the Dennis replacement.
  12. Is this Mindy Kaling thing supposed to be recurring now?
  13. Season 2 was also good. I liked season 1 a bit better, though.
  14. They were both hilarious, but I don't know if i'd say they were that different.
  15. Wife and kids are gone tonight, I figure I'll give this a go after the local football game.
  16. lateshow


    I'm pretty sure Brett was there from the beginning with Level 6.
  17. This is the route I go for large get-togethers and tailgates.
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