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Certifiably Surly
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  1. So how exactly is it going to boom now? Don’t have xitter
  2. He still fucking fumbled and then intercepted his own ass. Stay fucking retarded
  3. Says the retarded as fuck dick rider. Get ewers dick out your mouth cum sucker, he fucking fumbled, the play called is irrelevant. Do better
  4. Can droppednit? News to me and everyone else with eyeballs edit: not sure my point here but leaving it as a testament drunkenness. Still though, qe isn’t Rushmore worthy in the modern era. If he is, it’s cause there haven’t been enough not because of worth
  5. Well the reason is the fumble to end it. But yeah. It’s a mystery. them checks more or less than the other qbs? I don’t have the sobriety to check right now 😂
  6. Fair, I was looking at years didn’t realize that 2021 wasn’t on him.
  7. Fair, he earned respect for his play but he ain’t great. That’s all. On a strictly play level he has done well, so cool. Won’t even venture cr but for his play only, he did fine but it’s time UT moves and I’m cool with him doing well in the nfl and representing UT like a badass.
  8. Metric? Colt was 3-1 against ou and woulda done well In the championship absent an injury. Ewers didn’t get us to it at all and went 2-2 against ou. I’m open to listening to metrics and change my mind but the hate is deserved; and more so if you want to elaborate on “delivered”. edit: stupid autocorrect
  9. Except the issue was whether he was great. That’s what you said, great. And Better than chuck cocaine tits ain’t great. Least not without more! and again, even by your metric, better than two? Your math ain’t mathin. Last year it was two, this year it was two. So at least 4 if not more if you want to be all arguable about it (which I’d agree we are Better but at that hypothetical point it’s all conjecture)
  10. 14 points in the cfp with multiple self sacks and a fumble to lose it. So yeah, you do you.
  11. Gratitude sure but he ain’t great. Better than strong ain’t great. Better than cocaine tits herman ain’t great. He is good and I appreciate that but he was never going to get us there. He doesn’t have IT. And that’s fine to say. He is good but not national championship caliber, not many are. C’est la vie.
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