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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by achooloco

  1. This will obviously be much more difficult logistically, but that I95 bridge that fell around PHILLY got put up pretty quick. Maybe get some of those dudes to strap on scuba gear and help out?
  2. Nyc. But even when I was in Austin I never saw a damn cab when I needed it just driving by unused. So in nyc while the medallions are around for sure, it is still easier to sit and drink then wait sobering up in the cold. And that’s talking specifically in manhattan. If you consider the other 80-90% (geographically speaking of course and where most actual New Yorkers live), then yes it is uber/lyft/Revel/Via/etc by a country mile, easily. You’re not walking out and catching a cab in elmhurst, bushwick, PLG, Rego park or BX and Staten Island.
  3. Eh, that’s the rub. Much easier to be sitting closing out my tab, ordering the Lyft, then walk out when I need to get out instead of waiting in the rain/cold (not to mention more than once been denied for being brown). Not hating cabs, just been ages since it’s been preferred or over 50% use amongst my social circle.
  4. I’ll take the win. Actually I think my first or second memory of cheering on UT in any sports was of the women’s bball championship way back in the 80s (then usurped by the football team). So a win is a win. Admittedly I don’t follow much but here for the bandwagon! Go horns!!!
  5. Ok so I was wrong not a false flag. My bad. But we warned them and shit still went down? Good job orcs
  6. Insert oh no, anyway gif my empathy for the orcs or civilians supporting their war is nil. Complete false flag until proven otherwise
  7. It’s a shame these defendants aren’t dead yet and burning In hell. Fuck them and fuck their families. If you Do super horrific incomprensible evil shit, yeah your family should suffer the shame for ever.
  8. This cunt is at ufc again. Lot of dumb dumbs cheered him when he came on but I did my part and yelled loudly fuck this puto. Only one sadly. Oh well. Still though let it be known fuck trump. Now. And forever.
  9. What’s going on here? Harvard had a comment on the sweeny bday ridiculousness?
  10. Anything is better than republicans stateside? 🤷🏽‍♂️
  11. A racist piece of shit but hey, you got a right to eek out an existence too. I don’t hate you but I do pity your fucking stupidity
  12. Fuck him. Let him die in prison. I’m done with Russians getting any air to breathe, especially stateside
  13. Wasn’t used. Even amongst a lot of the Mexicans it wasn’t at first but later with soft A, everyone used it.
  14. You think in the 1990s it finally was frowned upon by Americans at large? edit: already covered but in Austin it wasn’t. That said it doesn’t mean it wasn’t and isn’t used by kids of all races in gaming and junior highs across the nation (well I should say queens here and most definitely dependent on socioeconomic level of the kid). But I meant it more as in adult America. Either way not the place I guess for the convo, this ain’t CR, my bad
  15. As a Mexican American, fuck you pay me. If I’m getting paid, I’ll consider being for it. If I’m not, I’m not paying a dime. edit: or I should say I’m not for paying a dime. In the end what I think won’t matter anyway
  16. Oh I agree, but his dumb brain jumped from never met her to political witch hunt to he is running for office then back to her being a dem plant. If it was an English paper it’d be a D- and the teacher would have to never drink before grading his papers (but get heavily inebriated after). My point is the tweet is wrong b/c he didn’t say she was running for office, it was simply a self reference. Now it is clear in the speech he is definitely losing it, just saying that it isn’t exactly for the way claimed.
  17. I love to shit on trump as much as the next rational normal non-racist American but pretty sure he is referring to himself in that. It is definitely word salad bullshit told by a crappy storyteller but it makes sense in a mental breakdown sort of way. his karma is taking way too long. I want him to suffer for his treason and harm caused to our country but would prefer him to at least be aware of his guilt and not completely senile. A Jaime Lannister sends his regards moment of recognition if you will…
  18. Not excusing the “attack” but that video did fuck all in relaying the info needed to figure out if there even was an “attack”. So fuck whomever edited that shitastic rage bait propaganda. Is this the bullshit that passes for journalism and information? Barely have any idea what started it, what was said, if an attack actually happened, anything really other than couple black kids yelling at an Asian family. Crappy instigating music, long ass intro that repeats itself, edits out all the actual video evidence and replaces it with only accusation descriptions, doesn’t show the “attack”, or what was said due to all the bleeping. The Asian family absolutely does not deserve to get yelled at but what a god awful video that does nothing but lower the iq of its viewers.
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