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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by achooloco

  1. Can confirm it was crazy orange in queens. Better now but earlier was just nuts. Very Martian/total recall feel to everything
  2. Greg capers seems like a piece of shit
  3. Generally I would agree since they’ve broadcast it as the series finale for at least a year. However, two things. First, recently Rebecca is on the record as saying they just need Ted to sit down and start writing, up to him to decide if there are more seasons. And if there are, it would be a new arc since the current arc is done at 3 seasons. Second, the apple preview page says season finale, not series. Could be minor and completely inconsequential but it’s there.
  4. Complimenting is fine (you weren’t one of the ones I was besmirching in second half of the quote) just saying considering the time gaps, it makes sense that club players leaving for qualifying etc would make sense to limit to one episode. It happens sure but not that much in light of the fast paced timeline of the show (especially this season). But yes, nice to emphasize more but just saying I’m ok with them not being able to write it in more. Truly IYKYK and if you don’t meh 🤷🏽‍♂️ (sorry if incoherent, a Cousin passed after extended md Anderson stay, so drinking) lol at van damme, not getting it. Good stuff, cheers to all fans
  5. Nah. They understand money and perspective. Fuck Russia. It felt right not ham fisted at all.
  6. First off for all, I loved national pride Dani. National games just hit different. Either you get it or you don’t and I feel sorry for you. National game wins have a distinct feel and putting it to words would not do it justice. also, national games don’t last all year. It’d make no sense to drag that out all year. It was well done considering the real world constraints. Not so much on derka but he deserves a stray here, but a lot of y’all are some miserable sunsavbitches. Goddamn, it’s a fun show and enjoy the goddamn ride. Glad I check this thread once a quarter, much more enjoyable to live in the moment and watch a fun entertaining show. Fucking hell
  7. Rip. One of the greats
  8. Then Stay relevant and educate the masses on how trump is a shit head wannabe failed fascist. (Edit: hammer him repeatedly in the interview as the fuck head traitor he is and stop with the nice bs. Do your fucking job and the viewers will follow) The answer in America cannot and should not ever be “don’t let them hear that idea”. We should demand better of the 4th estate and have a better political (educational?) system to not be so easily deluded. Although to be fair, even the founding fathers knew there were a shit load of dumb dumbs back then, Hello the need for the electoral college!
  9. cringy as fuck to hear on surly the de-platforming and no outlet for shit head trumpers. too close to censorship and anti-american ideals for my liking. assholes shitheads are allowed to live and pursue their america. its our job to educate the masses that these assholes are not to be followed, given consideration, or given any serious thought. Shitty things exist in life, censoring them is never the answer in pursuing a better republic.
  10. Has Beef been discussed? Brilliant so far.
  11. I thought that was more of a general montage to show everyone getting work done/going on with life, and not that Nate daily drives by Ted’s house on the way to work or that Tartt and Roy workout in the field in front of Ted’s house.
  12. How so? I have a grand jury summons for mid April in queens county. Never heard of the term petit jury but I’ll defer to the more learned counselor. (And yes a bit tipsy at the moment)
  13. Soooooo, the grand jury is sat and in Manhattan right? I only ask cause I have grand jury duty starting on April 12 in queens and while I think it is a civic duty to serve, it is just terrible work timing. But if I could wrangle a trump case… figure either way a win win. Either I get dq for being a normal human that realizes trump is a PoS or I get our on his case and I have a hand in history. That said, pretty sure this is all Manhattan. But I do think I could be impartial on the facts; the cocksucker is devoid of deserving all sympathy but I want a conviction by the book. No room for error. Need some air tight no reasonable doubt to get that conviction cause you know the Magats will magat no matter what. Our only defense for the republic is the rule of law.
  14. I don’t remember 2004 but for 1991 I’ll hold that grudge forever
  15. A for effort but C for execution, trump is much much fatter
  16. Goddamn it. Stupid delay. Don’t remember the delay being this long. Take your time cleaning the stadium but if you say 725, then get your ass in there and fucking clean so it’s 725. I don’t mind the delay, I mind the lying and unpreparedness.
  17. Never played the game and in fact didn’t know it existed until the show came out. Just watched the final ep of this season. Joel a stone cold “fuck you, I’m right”. They obviously allude to it multiple times but very satisfying in a macabre way to see him “kill people because we (I) had to”. He does not fucking play around. See target, get target and fuck you if you’re in the way. Period. Great episode for me. And in regards to the mom who played/voiced Ellie in the game kind of crazy how human faces/features sorta repeat in our genome. I swear I have an uncle that has facial features that I’ve seen in Ecuadorians and Colombians even though we are Mexican as hell. Same for the Ellie and Ana actresses (to me at least); they have no blood relation but look very much alike (to me). Either way, great season, can’t wait for season 2.
  18. Didn’t olave and Wilson also call him a better player?
  19. I just don't like doing what dictators want done. Long live Burma and Turkey (subject to change titles should the sentiment remain after regime change and/or it truly is the will of the majority of the populace). Now, back to Russia being full of shit...
  20. Sigh, I know him personally. Had more than a few beers with him and partied at his house. This was before he went maga nutball. I'm happy he is getting good money off the trump grift but he is all sorts of batshit now.
  21. Going for chiefs but don't see how they win. Philly D and Hurts will do just enough to win.
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