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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by achooloco

  1. Except the issue was whether he was great. That’s what you said, great. And Better than chuck cocaine tits ain’t great. Least not without more! and again, even by your metric, better than two? Your math ain’t mathin. Last year it was two, this year it was two. So at least 4 if not more if you want to be all arguable about it (which I’d agree we are Better but at that hypothetical point it’s all conjecture)
  2. 14 points in the cfp with multiple self sacks and a fumble to lose it. So yeah, you do you.
  3. Gratitude sure but he ain’t great. Better than strong ain’t great. Better than cocaine tits herman ain’t great. He is good and I appreciate that but he was never going to get us there. He doesn’t have IT. And that’s fine to say. He is good but not national championship caliber, not many are. C’est la vie.
  4. More than strong qualifies as great?! Geez, low bar homie
  5. So you didn’t see all the self sacks. Cool
  6. He literally fucking fumbled to lose. That’s how
  7. Of course a ewers int to end the season. Fitting
  8. Sark didn’t fumble! Got damn get off the dick bro
  9. Ewers caused that. Thank god we can move on
  10. I feel it too but goddamnit this team is gonna kill a lot of surly before next tomorrow and/or next Tuesday
  11. Wut? Touched? You think a 5star backup qb with draft and nil money on the line hasn’t touched a football in months? Ooooookay…
  12. Sigh. Guess you right but fuck sark then. Ewers is a good qb, but he lacks IT. We need help from on high to win this…
  13. Huh? Wr open and he has time, how is it not his fault then?!
  14. Time to put in arch. Need something to stop the rush and the ol with ewers ain’t it
  15. First fucking negative play. Man up D, goddamn!
  16. Honestly I kind of blame him for the safety. I get it’s split second decision making plus adding in “oh fuck the ball!!!!” But he ain’t a fb, third string Rb, or current wr who played qb in HS. He’s a seasoned 5star three year starter: He caught it, thought he could look up, and launch that shit to the side line! But I’ll freely admit I know shit about fuck and been drinking. This damn ending ain’t good for the heart!
  17. First off props for the OT. Can’t deny that. He balled there. I was wrong for calling him to be benched at that moment. Second, he also played like shit for a large portion of the game which got us into the OT. Is that more on sark or him? I’ll leave that to experts to decide. hopefully this is a turning point but this is also game 15 in year 3, seems like we should have had that click a bit farther back but I’ll take it if it means a win. I still don’t think he has it but I’m hoping he can prove me wrong. I would love to be wrong
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