took me all of december/jan/feb until now to catch up on this thread, but while in austin hit up TW and found Redemption wheated. Been looking for it solely due to this thread (since the beginning of covid) and finally found it so had to get two. For my birthday I got Backbone bourbon so finishing that off tonight and then starting on the Redemption. Not sure if I like wheated styles, but y'all mention the style a lot so figure it was worth pursing (solely in the pursuit of knowledge, of course). I'm also enough of a neophyte to not know if I had enjoyed any yet, but since my birthday and while traveling I picked up:
backbone bourbon blended; Garrison bros SiBSP; Balcones Single Malt, then non-bourbons: Barrilito 3star, Taptatio 110 blanco, regular blanco, Diplomatico Mantuano
really need to figure out how to post pics, but thats for another (sober) day. Popping the Redemption now, hope y'all staying warm in Austin!