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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by achooloco

  1. Got a ton of videos from Astoria. Cheering and honking for hours
  2. i bet too much on this damn election so wasn't trying to jinx shit (still knocking on wood tho) but fuck it now, i'm popping that michters 10, fuck this shit. it's over. fuck trump.
  3. what the shit are you babbling about? get the fuck out of here. jesus christ. minority is a comment on numerical relevance, don't be a fucking snowflake today on the greatest day. swear to god lines like this fucking suck ass. edit: yes i know he said black but applies all the same. just shut the fuck up. now back to funny memes and tweets...
  4. just in case this gets lost in the shuffle, so in for this.
  5. negged b/c there was already video evidence of trumptards yelling profanities at little kids before the election was even decided (think it was Monday or Sunday of this week actually).
  6. Work, workout, lunch, work, dinner, stop work early and then get my mariachi music and tequila ready for tonight. As soon as off work drinking eagle rare and might celebrate with a good tequila or michters 10yr bourbon. Haven’t decided yet. Be safe out there tonight! and if you hear mariachi music and Mexican gritos in queens, that’s me! USA USA USA!!
  7. Catching up but quoted/repeated cause that’ll be me later today after work. edit: saw responses on top of pf 388. Thanks!
  8. his "interpretation" is as accurate as yours though, unless you have some sort of inside info. otherwise, shut the fuck up since your shit is solely based on baseless conjecture. to stay on topic, need to rewatch but think i liked sam's effort, even if the plays didn't always result as positive. but that can probably (unfortunately) be said about his entire career here. hope he has some amazing last games to close out the season and gets drafted to a team willing to develop him.
  9. goddamn horns, making me a drunk at 34-31 (no jinx, knocking on wood). here's to a biden win and all this recent talk just pure drunk conjecture.
  10. so a 180 and now its smart? edit: nevermind, was being a smart ass. explained above, the system hinges on a dem majority in the senate.
  11. did they anticipate citizens (psst, republicans) abdicating their duty to country and choosing party? hell they barely theorized parties, they assumed that real americans would choose country over special interests. Past 4 years we had republican traitors not doing their duty. I'll admit that my faith in the system hinges on democrats having a senate majority. what the shit does that have fuck all to do with anything? I said i trust them in that they put in a system, sorry i wasn't fucking pedantic and lawyerly in explicitly stating the system they set up and not the dead fucking slave owners themselves. jesus h christ, stop being so goddamn Louisiana educated. but by the way, i agree with that quote and often use it. see above though, the system will IMO work with a senate and house governed by dems even if trump steals the election. veto his shit, overrule it all, pass legislation that is veto proof and make him feel like the gimp in the corner that he is. Because if we don't have faith that a congress can check the president, then what the fuck are we doing wasting time voting? just pick up a gun and do what it does, stop the fake fucking coward bullshit and do what needs to be done. I myself prefer voting and the system though, but hey, you do you.
  12. no, trust the founders. the system will act as it should in that case. (sorry if this has been addressed, i'm 5 pages behind..)
  13. honestly, as much as i hate traitor trump, this isn't the worst thing. i actually kind of like it if i had a gun to my head. but if republicans would do their fucking civic duty we wouldn't have an impotent senate and this wouldn't be needed. 1/3 of the government is not doing their duty to check the other 1/3. A senate, regardless of its composition, doing its job would do wonders to help all americans and end a lot of the decisiveness going on today. but republican senators are fucking pieces of shit cowards.
  14. I thought that was what 3/14 was for.
  15. Based on the fact that I don’t like people murdered by cops? That I agree we should be protesting everyday after even more of our fellow citizens are unlawfully killed by cops? That both cops and rioters are overreacting? Sure, I’ll take that badge any day but please be specific.
  16. In the states? Sadly that is true for now but discussing any alternatives that might solve this issue is out of the purview of this thread and board.
  17. Unlawful remains to be determined. And Murder does NOT have to be premeditated and can encompass actions that show a wanton disregard of another’s safety. Although I guess it only matters what PA law says on the matter, not NY or TX. But yes I’m calling it that until determined by a court of law or at least until I get more info on the actual incident. one example? we can both find countless ones to prove our respective points. But to repeat for the third time, I think both the cops and people rioting (not protesting) seem to have overreacted.
  18. You seem triggered, glad we are in the cloak room lite so you feel safe enough to post here. A man was murdered while carrying a knife so you responded, “I don’t think it was much of an overreaction by the cops.” Based on ... your statement of a guy chasing cops with a knife? So I said I disagree and posted a guy chasing brave cops with a knife that didn’t result with anyone getting murdered. You speak In trumpian characterizations and absolutes (not cr, but pretty sure it is an adjective for distortion of the truth) and if you can’t see the parallel in the two situations without all those bullshit assumptions you subsequently wrote out, then I don’t know what to tell you. Cops murdered a guy with a knife. Protestors hurt cops in retaliation, I disagree that only one side overreacted since cops can take down knife wielders without anyone being murdered. If anything, from facts I’ve seen so far (but I’ll gladly look at a link with more info on the initial incident since only press I’ve seen has been on the protests of yet ANOTHER citizen dying at the hands of police) looks like both protestors and cops have overreacted.
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