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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by achooloco

  1. people who believe in the thin blue line should be handled like traitors. you either take an oath to uphold the constitution or you choose to support people who break the law. there is no duality. treason = thin blue line. supporting cops is not the same as supporting the thin blue line. support cops, don't support bad cops. good cops don't support criminals regardless of the law. the sooner people realize that the better we all will be.
  2. tl:dr = phone broke, can't do war, sorry. forgot cordless headphones at home. used iphone corded ones at gym. but they suck for running. during cool down put the headphones back on, put phone on the treadmill ledge instead of pocket or holding it. phone somehow slipped, yanked headphones off. instead of flying off, cord got stuck in the treadmill band's loop. sucked phone with it. had no idea metal could bend like that without breaking. phone is pulverized.
  3. Lulz, that sequence of opening the door for the little guy had the entire theater laughing. Great scene.
  4. thanks! more drunk than not but still..
  5. your mom is a moronic loser. your dad shoulda pulled out...burning the flag is the one of the most patriotic things you can do. not that i agree with it at all times but the idea behind it is quintessential american. kind of like how derka went pissed a few years back and said it was in the shaggy spirit to call BL a host of offensive names and not get banned; free speech brah. you might think its moronic but then you wouldn't be very american (some people might have the cognitive dissonance to understand the freedom and offensive aspect but not you). so how about you climb up on the kansas state list eater and shut the fuck up?
  6. Correct, all much better possible scenarios.
  7. Sometimes it’s the only option. Just saying. That said I think we still have hope for better options
  8. That’s not really a jackass response. Least not like earlier in this thread. In fact she is 100% right. Just bc you have the right of way, doesn’t mean the driver saw you. More importantly it doesn’t mean you should start walking. I’m pretty sure I walk on busy streets more than 99% of this board, and having the right of way won’t do you any good if you’re dead. if you walk bc you think you have the right of way without attempting to judge the speed of traffic, whether cars are turning, or at least without attempting to make eye contact with an oncoming driver, you got a death wish. It’s not the kids fault he got hit but if you see someone doesn’t notice you and you step in front of their car... it might not be legally your fault but you aren’t really very bright either. to the OP, sorry for your friend’s loss. Can’t imagine the pain.
  9. shit, out of rep for the day but much appreciated for both answers.
  10. I know nothing about cams, but can they be turned inward during a stop? Or would you need a second cam for when you get pulled over?
  11. Saw it as a preview to joker. In but your post was the first thing I thought of. Didn’t literally tens of thousands die in one day a couple times in ww1? That and all those other msging systems had to be easier but I’m hoping they address both aspects early on in the movie.
  12. It was definitely braked when the news hit and only when people were like “woah, wait, ... you’re accusing him of what?” Did he get a possible second chance A whole year plus after his show was cancelled (or at least it hasn’t come back yet, are there plans for it to come back?). But that “brake” without any kind of possibility for rehabilitation for any action ever in your past is cancel culture imo. I’m open to listening to a counter argument but I can’t think of how that way of thinking is positive for society. Hell even Bitey McBiterson Marv Albert got a second chance after a few years out of the public eye. He’d never get that now. Damn can’t get below the quote below and I had written a long response but honestly, it’s totally different kind of flick than Logan. The realism and mental aspect could bother them or make them incredibly bored. It’s probably fine, just a flick.
  13. That part sure sounds like she just wants to do prostitution.
  14. honestly seems like a topic for another thread, but maybe we have different definitions of "cancel culture"? to me, it isn't what y'all are describing. it's aziz anzari getting his career killed (perhaps momentarily? perhaps forever? one netflix show doesn't make a comeback) over essentially bad sex. it isn't that people would be offended by andrew dice clay or kennison, it's that the offended will actively work to ban comedians from performing and get them blacklisted instead of IMO doing the more "right" thing and just changing the channel/clicking on a different website. and i don't even find ADC very funny at all (but kennison was awesome while alive), but offensive comics like them should be able to perform as long as they can sell tix. or maybe what i'm considering cancel culture is something else entirely.
  15. Loved it. Agree with the context on momma and the “love” note written on the back of the picture; could go a couple ways but right now not sure how to view it. movie will need a second watch. really loved the homages, nice double shout out to heath ledger in last 5 minutes. i don’t know how joker was originally created way back in the first comic but in the original 1989 “blockbuster”, it was joker that killed Bruce’s parents? Was that how it always was before that movie came out? no way JP doesn’t win best actor. Certain little nuances he did in first twenty minutes were really well done. Any other better performances this year?
  16. Mea culpa. Should one bet the over for total Texas points scored? Should one bet the over on total points scored in the game?
  17. So bet Texas points for the game over and game points total over?
  18. achooloco

    NCAA Week 6

    Anyway ucf doesn’t score 30 against cinn?
  19. i want this bitch to burn bc she fucked up and killed a dude. color be damned. sometimes you make mistakes that affect you for a lifetime. she needs to burn.
  20. achooloco

    NCAA Week 4

    So what’s the best way to find out if those auburn players are playing tomorrow? Google? The thread on the football board? Might just bet a couple bucks on aggy so I win either with aggy tears or making $.
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