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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by achooloco

  1. We need to stop allowing rich shit heads more rights than poor shit heads. Someone needs to take one for democracy and cut this cunt’s head off. Then go do ptheven miller. World will easily be a better place without both. No more quarter for racist anti American dick heads. USA USA USA and these traitors six feet under!
  2. Man I root for USA and Mexico cause heritage and nationality a motherfucker but I hate when either team acts like little bitches. Much to the Mexican team chagrin, they’ve been getting spanked like bitches in last… 5? 6? USA games so they act up in some games but generally just play and win or shit the bed. Fine. It is what it is since they’ve been sucking in a lot of USA games and in general. but goddamn the USA acting like entitled cunts. For sure could just be the editing but getting fouled and running up like a one nut twat waffle? Settle down pusilic. USA needs to know to not act like cunts, we are unfortunately 3rd world in the soccer fiefdom until we can prove we can win (still salty about that 2006 quarterfinal free kick that went in but was called off, VAR WOULD have vindicated us in that German game!) but acting like entitled cunts like our military was taking the pitch is just sad. Do better
  3. Say what now? Venmo. PP, Cash app, and zelle descriptions are public info?
  4. Fuck’em. Don’t vacation in an active war zone your country invaded.
  5. Damn. Would love to head to a few local bars to watch but instead I’ll be in phoenix visiting the GF’s Maga family. They’re normal enough where they can chill without talking politics but can’t see any good coming out of remembering the debate will be on that night. I’m still wearing my Fuck Trump pin 24-7 but do partially hide it while in their house.
  6. crazy vid but the mobster had the right of way at a cross walk. He should still look both ways but not sure how the driver doesn't get some kind of charge. Also, not a lot of blood considering the injury but I'm not in the medical field at all.
  7. Fucking hell the grammar in that official statement is god awful. Are Lansing schools that shitastic?
  8. Well… I’d probably just use it. But If they rub me the wrong way I’ll just stick it behind their car
  9. That’s all true but they could also surrender. They don’t so they die. Oh no oh well gif…
  10. hey now, above the law is a pretty good 80s/early 90s action flick. and under siege had nice tits. didn't make segal awesome but at least his movies were good enough to have tits and action. But sure, he sucks ass since then and hope he dies slow as a traitor in russia, no argument there.
  11. Looks like blue suit to his immediate right even runs away from getting shot. I would too, but I’m no secret service agent.
  12. Nah. Anyone who willingly didn't abandon him after he called all Mexicans rapists, made fun of disabled people, called veterans losers, and said he could grab women by the pussies is a fucking piece of shit. Fuck them all. After all his bullshit no one gets the benefit of the doubt just because they don’t tolerate treason. A non-ghoul would have been out way before.
  13. I’m reading the cohen critique as focused on his podcasts, TikTok’s, etc. over the last couple weeks. They’re funny and dunking on trump should always be welcomed, but I also hope they don’t damage the current case.
  14. Noem is apparently both.
  15. Poor cameraman. Fuck abbot
  16. This cunt seems like she fucking sucks.
  17. I chose it cause there wasn’t a “guilty, no real consequences, loses election” option. I agree, no way he pleads out but none of the guilty verdicts with teeth will come down before the election.
  18. I actually sort of agree/disagree. Like noted up thread about 5 pages back, the penalties are toothless. I think he will be convicted but no jail time or anything actually severe will happen. Essentially a big nothing burger since he won't yet suffer any real consequences.
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