Man I root for USA and Mexico cause heritage and nationality a motherfucker but I hate when either team acts like little bitches. Much to the Mexican team chagrin, they’ve been getting spanked like bitches in last… 5? 6? USA games so they act up in some games but generally just play and win or shit the bed. Fine. It is what it is since they’ve been sucking in a lot of USA games and in general.
but goddamn the USA acting like entitled cunts. For sure could just be the editing but getting fouled and running up like a one nut twat waffle? Settle down pusilic. USA needs to know to not act like cunts, we are unfortunately 3rd world in the soccer fiefdom until we can prove we can win (still salty about that 2006 quarterfinal free kick that went in but was called off, VAR WOULD have vindicated us in that German game!) but acting like entitled cunts like our military was taking the pitch is just sad. Do better