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Certifiably Surly
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About Rynosauri

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  1. So you didn’t touch yourself enough in 2017? Uncommitted.
  2. Does anyone need a ticket for the game tomorrow? I’ve got an extra single next to us
  3. Does anyone have any recs for parking out toward the stadium? Don’t mind being further out, just curious if there is something I need to have planned or paid out in advance. First time out there and bringing the 5 year old.
  4. God damn can we get back on topic please? Has anyone mentioned Bill’s Burgers in Lampasas yet? That’s always a must stop on my out to San Saba.
  5. They said seat selection would be sometime this month, I haven’t seen a specific date yet. Season ticket renewals will have a chance to move/upgrade seats and then I imagine new season tickets will get to pick after that.
  6. I am learning a lot more about lacrosse than I ever wanted to know. New thread title is definitely appropriate.
  7. Has anyone heard from the ticket office on when season ticket renewals are going out? It seems like it keeps getting pushed back further each year.
  8. I would definitely recommend to get a home inspector to check it out with you on your final walk through, and maybe even have one do a walk through before the drywall goes up. If the prices keep going up they may push back on some of the fixes.
  9. I don't usually expect much from our fan base on the weekday games, but it felt a little bit louder for not a big crowd. I put that on everyone trying to drown out the UTSA guys behind home plate, but it was still nice to see.
  10. Brother in law always has/had dobermans and I agree with this. The only issue is they all seem to have leg issues pretty early on.
  11. Now you're just being petty.
  12. We should ship a ton of alcohol and cocaine to zs, try to accelerate that timer.
  13. FCB
  14. ^^ My reaction as well
  15. I'm really amazed that didn't result in about $1000 worth of missed flights. Got pretty anxious there for a minute.
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