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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by bluto

  1. Goddam ztejas is helobious level asswhip on every thread, but on steroids.
  2. Back in the game trying to back door it, bought nd option yesterday when tied for $160. Worth $350 now Sure woulda been fuckin cool if their semi was after ours and I knew whether or not to dump it or hedge.
  3. I can haz nd special teams coach?
  4. Helobius is so goddam regarded it turns the corner from maddening to laughable
  5. The remaining 179 seouls* Serious face, that’s awful. Those poor passengers probably thought they had a damn good shot skidding along.
  6. Agreed. I wanna see some 80 foot action! thx for the video tho, interesting stuff
  7. Flower mound schools are part of Lewisville isd and are quite strong public education. Throw on Hebron as well and folks absolutely are moving to the district for schools. Lewisville hs and the colony are not exactly destinations tho.
  8. Assuming the cars are stuck in place, how do they rescue ppl? Always wondered that on crazy high lifts and gondola sections
  9. Asking earnestly, why is the incoming admin who ran on slashing govt spending demanding the debt limit be removed?
  10. are you perpetually drunk? Jeanty wil be lucky to get over 50 on uga. The only back to get over 100 on them this yr was Tennessee stud who barely cracked it and he’s best in the sec.
  11. So who’s the boring monotone fuck filling in on the hardline?
  12. So that’s how to cover a gazillion dollar buildout
  13. Is it EA who is the monotone boring fuck on hardline dry dock? I’d rather listen to killer free range.
  14. bluto

    Whatcha reading?

    Dead wake for the submarine storyline is great stuff, the storyline of the ppl on the ship was kinda meh. Garden of beasts is worth a read in these times we’re living through.
  15. Small biz here and fortunately Tx only but holy shit the premiums and plans are stupid. $650/mo for ~40 yr old and fairly shitty benefits on it… $100 for specialist, several thousand deductible.
  16. Looks like they’re just behind schedule as it seems only lately that smoothie king bldg has work being done. https://fortworth.culturemap.com/news/restaurants-bars/la-la-land-kind-camp-bowie/ bold move Cotten going in a block away from a sbux drive thru into a bldg that already saw a high premium food big brand fail.
  17. Any idea what’s being built ‘on’ camp Bowie near 30, behind the pnc bank and vacated smoothie king. Construction fence is up. also, taco deli doesn’t appear to still be a go. Not shocking given restaurant success in general and esp so in this Econ climate plus just the FW factor
  18. it might involve a mustached plumber in green overalls.
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