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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by bluto

  1. King of Oklahoma reminds of songs/shower with him ramping up the vocal power. Damn strong.
  2. No pitch count on Matthews tonight, gotta beat his ass up. Dude has made a couple mistakes
  3. Skenes stats on the yr are other worldly. His k to bb ratio is double digits. For reference Taylor jungmanns final yr was 3.5, both rocker/leiter were sub 5.
  4. Tcu to the cws. Love to see it just for the schloss misery.
  5. Indeed. Getting a quality start from that cobbled mess, big time.
  6. Between saving their ace, pulling the starter early, and walking DC Stanford pissed off the baseball gods just a bit too much
  7. Boy if that ain’t leopards eating faces.
  8. Plot twist, IT’S SOROS MONEY
  9. Not being funny, but where the hell did that Stanford ball Land? I really can’t find it on the live shot or replay
  10. That was a damn white flag by schloss, put in a guy with 14 innings on the season. 3 pitches later his confidence is ruined for life
  11. Aggie in driver seat out west. Unreal after both games had starters chased by the third
  12. With our hitting vs lefties I don’t like the matchup vs tamu, assuming both finish their work.
  13. Goddam you never disappoint with your stupid fucking takes. True talent on display
  14. Lacey needs to be in the over 40 thread fa sho
  15. What’s a reasonable price range for door replacement on two 8x7? Don’t need insulated or anything fancy, just thinking single ply metal. Motors are fine. Just looking for ballpark so I know when to laugh at a quote
  16. Indeed on the best format…. you’re allowed a mulligan one game per weekend, best performers during the season get rewarded, literally every team has a fair chance but every team has to earn the hardware
  17. That’s my read as well, just throwing the kitchen sink at it short sightedly for a headline. The current house bill expires entirely in 2025, no way in hell the purse strings will be as loose then.
  18. How did they not put trumps face on The Old Man
  19. Tx Constitution technically requires cads value property at 100% of market value. The cads are then graded by the state every other year roughly to see how their values stack up to recent transactions and appraisals, along with the state conducting their own appraisals as testing basis. If the county is below the mark regularly then big shit happens.
  20. What I can’t figure out is what happens when the surplus isn’t available, the special house bill expires in 2025 so do rates just jump back up? There’s no way the state will have this level of surplus again. And if there’s one thing the red state lege hates more than minorities voting (maybe didn’t need that verb) it’s funding education from their coffers.
  21. House proposed a bill with only monster cuts to school tax rate at abbotts order, senate offered less rate cut but included a homestead exemption bump. Phelan just ruled that since senate bills included HS exemption bump and Abbott didn’t approve that being discussed then house won’t even listen to senate bills. The shit show drags on
  22. Indeed. In talking with some of these investment shops there was the attitude “even if the risk free rate doubles this yr then we’ll be ok, and it’s never doubled in a single year in 30+ years so history was on our side” …. Well it more like went up 5x or whatever. So these speculative dipshits totally ignored the fact rates were at all time historical lows, only paying mind to historical rate growth.
  23. Special sesh 1 is under way as of 9pm. Prop tax and border security first up. Abbott appears to have hamstrung the ptax talks to rate compression only, not even homestead bumps or caps.
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