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Everything posted by Lagunamadre

  1. We've (company I work for) got a large mineral footprint across the Bakken, we are averaging about a $6.50 differential from WTI for the past 12 months. For reference our Permian diffs are about $2 and Eagle Ford $3. So your getting about $3/4 less per barrel in the Bakken than you would in Texas. Plenty of pipeline capacity out of ND with DAPL, just a function of traveling a lot further to get to a refinery, more tolls to pay.
  2. I think Neonmoon knows a lot more about the subject than I do, so he can expand, but the numbers refer to the density of the crude. The lower the number the more dense/heavy.
  3. That's a great question and what the average American misses in the "energy independent" talk. America could pretty much be self sufficient if all of our refineries were retrofitted for light sweet (shale) oil. The problem is that's a multibillion dollar and time consuming process which could only be done if the majors believed the light sweet was here forever, I think most of them feel like the shale production will always be the swing oil but will never have the economics to be our base, so for now our base will continue to be the heavier ME/Canadian/Mexican oil that we are currently set up to refine. With decisions like that with decades long implications, it would be hard to trust any gov subsidies that could be taken away 4 years later. So short of us nationalizing the refineries or major technological developments in shale development, probably not going to change any time soon.
  4. It's my understanding that China is already buying all of the crude the Iranians can produce. So not sure it would have a huge effect on the fungible oil market.
  5. There is already a de facto ban on Russian oil. Traders aren't touching it. They are running out of places to store it as they can't find a market for it, and if it keeps up will have to start shutting in production. Seems like the $110 price has removal of Russian oil baked in at this point. Nat gas is a different story. When the weather warms up in a couple months in Europe, Russia is going to be super fucked.
  6. My thoughts as well. Seems like bait.
  7. Charlie was a big fan of socialism when he got $10M of Texas's TV money from Kansas in exchange for winning 6 games in three seasons.
  8. At least you weren't walking the floor. Could have been much worse. Thoughts and prayers to your housekeeper.
  9. I'm already exhausted.
  10. WTF is happening to nat gas today?
  11. Uhh ohh, looks like I see a "no guns" sticker on her office door. What a commie libtard gun grabber.
  12. Have fun on hold motherfuckers.
  13. "We are checking each and every ballot for traces of Tequilla as we believe some ballots came from Mexico, the land of criminals, drug dealers, and rapist."
  14. That literally happened.
  15. Expect aggieswithlungs.org by end of day tomorrow.
  16. Holy shit, this is me in my office with all of the Trumpers. They cannot grasp nuance.
  17. Those pussies would have been hiding under their bed had those protesters been open carrying.
  18. You want to see republicans do a quick 180 on open carry. Get a bunch of black and brown people walking around with ARs in white neighborhoods. The reaction would be quick.
  19. Can you post a link to the media's apologies that you are claiming they made to Sandman? Can't seem to find any.
  20. Let us just hope when this is all over and KR walks free. That all the open carry gun nuts on the left will have simulataneous protests with all the open carry gun nuts on the right. They all feel threatened at the same time and they all kill each other. The world will be a better place once all these whackos are dead and buried.
  21. Were you there with him that night Johnny? Seems like a pretty bold statment.
  22. I (my company) will kick the tires on buying it. DM me.
  23. It is tamer than their "jews will not replace us chants". Progress?
  24. Sure, but then they' get primaried in the next GOP election. To succeed in today's iteration of the GOP you literally have to do what the Mypillow guys says, even if that is questioning the legitimacy of our democracy. And respect the flag of the United States. And also talk about succeeding from the United States because you hate it. It all makes so much sense.
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