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Everything posted by Lagunamadre

  1. Which of the candidates' popularity do you think would rise once people started taking them seriously? I would think maybe only Klobuchar, maybe?
  2. 2000 vote: High School, too young 2004 vote: W (College, friends parents are republicans, etc) 2008 vote: Obama 2012 vote: Obama 2016 vote: Hillary 2020 preference: Bloomberg Bloomberg is my preferred candidate just because I think he has the best shot of beating Trump, and a second Trump term could be a deathblow to our country.
  3. That has been my thought on Bloomberg. It's obviously impossible to quantify but I would guess the number of moderates that would vote for Bloomberg would greatly outweigh the amount of bernie bros and far left wingers that would refuse to vote and/or stay at home. In my opinion, Bloomberg would have the best shot at taking down Trump just because of the coalition he could build of moderates and republicans who are tired of Trump and don't fear bloomberg coupled with the wide swath on the left who will do whatever it takes to get trump out of office.
  4. I will give Fox news credit, they are really good at finding the handful of black people in America who like Trump and putting them on air.
  5. By 2024 when Romney is up for re-election, standing up against Trump will be a feather in his cap, not a weight around his neck. Trump will either lose this year and be irrelevant in 2024. Or win and preside over the coming recession while dealing with his ever increasing dementia. He will not be well liked in 2024, regardless of the results this year.
  6. I hope you saved your money. Not being political. Just that you are about to have to let go a shitload of people of you are only reliant on O&G activity. Also, kinda don't believe you, I'm in Oil and Gas and the Obama years saw the peak of shale exploration and wealth creation in the industry (not because of Obama). That is all going away now. Not Trump's fault, more on reserve engineers and aggie educated CFOs who don't know what free cash flow means.
  7. Yes, NGL upside on gas are fading. Our check stubs are already reflecting that.
  8. No doubt Trump is his GOP followers will use his sickness/death to the max to further divide us and paint the other side as evil ne'er-do-wells.
  9. Fox News producers have a huge boner right now. The amount of outrage they can manufacture by showing random people's celebratory tweets will give them months of programming.
  10. There should be a basic aptitude test required for all people seeking public office. Just some basics on geography, government functions, international relations, reading, writing and arithmetic. A low score would not preclude anybody from running, but the public would know the score of each candidate and would be able to judge them accordingly.
  11. The pearl clutching when you slap back at this bully is the best. Trump could tweet out that he banged your wife and that you are an ugly retard and his base would be appalled if you responded by calling him rude, "how dare you disrespect the President by calling him rude, the left has no decency!!!"
  12. I would avoid LNG all together, they are about to suffer the same fate as shale producers in the US. The world is awash with natural gas and LNG worldwide continues to grow which is dropping LNG futures rapidly. As soon as that spread collapses and the term on the contracts expire, american LNG companies are going to be sitting on 10's of billions of $s worth of worthless refineries with no product to sell (at a profit).
  13. I'm starting to like Bloomberg, for the mere fact that I think he has the best chance of beating Trump because of shit like this. If he keeps this up "I didn't inherit my money", "I'm not fat", "I didn't get run out of New York". Trump is likely to get so pissed off he either dies or nukes Canada. Keep it up Mike.
  14. Our democracy is in shambles. A political party has turned into a cult whose one job is protect the mafia boss at all costs. But at least Alexander is getting ratio'd like a motherfucker.
  15. Fun fact. Red states have no homeless people.
  16. I bet Susan Collins will give the longest speech as to why she didn't vote for witnesses.
  17. Serious question. Why is Lou Dobbs on Fox Business? Can't they fit him in with the rest of the propagandists on the evening shows? I usually have CNBC on in the office, so not sure how Fox Business works, but figured since it's a business network they would have some level of reality.
  18. No it does not Sean. But if we are using that analogy, Trump didn't just think it. He thought it and attempted it and got caught. Back to your cute little analogy, if that same person thought it, bought a gun and took a shot at the target and missed, we'll that is called attempted murder and you go to jail for a very long time for that.
  19. Great. Do it. If I were the Dems i'd make the below offer. Joe for Bolton Hunter for Mulvaney Schiff for Pompeo Wistleblower for Trump. Let all of the above sit for questioning. Tell the absolute truth and see who comes out clean.
  20. Not watching today, but I imagine they've said "MRE's and blankets" about 150 times. Because what the Obama administration did or did not do has a ton of relevance to the charges at hand.
  21. Let us all never forget that James Mattis was on the board of Theranos.
  22. Exactly. That's what get's lost in all of this. When people say Hunter Biden is not qualified or not an expert in European Nat Gas they should be called out on it. One, boards are not made up of experts in the field of that company, go look at Exxon, Disney, Apple, etc. board, it's a bunch of ambassadors and retired execs from other industries. Two, Hunter is a Yale Law graduate, practicing attorney, co-founder of a venture capital firm and was a board member of Amtrak (appointed by GW Bush) and the World Hunger Program. That CV is good enough to be on almost any damn board out there. Call him as a witness. Tell the truth. There is nothing untoward behind it, if there were it sure as fuck would have come out by now.
  23. I'm sure the outrage on the right will be commensurate with uranium one.
  24. I don't disagree, but that doesn't mean it's accurate at this point to claim that they have already voted to not here any witnesses.
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