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Everything posted by Lagunamadre

  1. Why don't they just borrow against their trust funds?
  2. Holy shit, he's too dumb to realize that he did anything wrong.
  3. That is the problem with the Republican argument of "there is no quid pro quo" defense, once the cloth gets pulled back a bit and it shows there was, they will have backed themselves into a corner.
  4. Man this press conference has the potential to be the holy grail of stupid.
  5. But he's folksy tho!! I didn't catch his segment, but I'm sure it went something like "You know my grandmama used to huddle us around the stove and tell us that if you shake a sunflower hard enough the seeds can shed light on your life, so that is why we need to look at Uranium One" MSNBC host "Ohhhhhhhh. K. We're not sure what that...OK, thanks Senator"
  6. I'd say the whole Senate bill deal means one of two things: 1) The whistleblower complaint does not have legs to it and Mitch knows that and this will embarrass the media and Democrats. 2) Trump is fucked. If I know Mitch like I think I know him, I'd have to think it would be closer to 1.
  7. Aaaaaannnnnnnndddddddd........Js1 wins by a nose!!!!
  8. To be fair to Trump, there is a zero percent chance he knows what the "T" stands for.
  9. She's really starting to grow on me.
  10. "How dare the democrats politicize the President of the United States bribing a foreign Country to open a fake investigations into his political rival."
  11. So it seems like the Trumpkin line is that politicians kids shouldn't be out there trying to make money for themselves. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! OK, good one, let's start with the Trumps. I'm also hearing a lot of the Fox talking heads talk about how Hunter Biden isn't qualified to be on their board because he was not in the Natural Gas Business, which is just, I mean, do they know how corporate boards work? Exxon's current board is comprised of a couple former pharma execs, a former Pepsi exect, an academic, former Caterpillar exec, former IBM exec, former Insurance exec and a former Johnson and Johnson exec. I doubt any of their past experience in medicine, insurance, soft drinks, baby diapers and tractors taught them anything about petroleum and chemical engineering, hydraulic fracturing or crack spreads. I'm not saying Hunter Biden's decision to take that board seat was smart considering the possibility of bad optics, but to say a Yale Law Grad former board member of Amtrak (appointed by GW Bush), former Chairman of the Board of the World Food Programme USA, practicing lawyer and head of a hedge fund would be unqualified for any board seat.
  12. I love how the the Trump crowd always creates caricatures of Trump for their products and memes depicting him as some slender body builder instead of the fat fuck that he actually is. Almost like they're a delusional crowd.
  13. Yes, how dare anybody think he would ever say anything inappropriate.
  14. Trolling the 9/11 people with an airplane shaped object flying through a building shaped object. Hilarious!
  15. Great! And I'm not just saying that because he's a Republican. Charge everybody who is accused of a crime. Let them tell their side of the story and let a jury of peers decide their fate. Nobody should be above of law no matter what side of the isle you sit.
  16. His base doesn't strike me as "readers", I'm guessing all of those Deep State!/Socialism! books are mostly just filled with pictures of an unflattering looking Hillary, young black dreadlocked men wearing wife beaters and ticker tape parade street views post WWII. Maybe a couple of paragraphs about how Democrats are Socialists with a forward by Dan Bongino.
  17. On behalf of the white race I apologize for this unfortunate tie. To my black and brown friends, please vote in record numbers, us whites cannot be trusted to cure this cancer.
  18. The evangelical crowd would turn on God quickly if he/she lighting bolted Trump.
  19. Yay! Go get em' Mike! Mother is gonna be so proud of you tonight! Extra bologna and mayonnaise in your sandwich tomorrow.
  20. They are not so secret. They all talk very loudly about their support for Trump at hipster coffee shops.
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