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Everything posted by Lagunamadre

  1. Trump: Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Aslo Trump in the next breath: People don't kill people, video games kill people. NRA talking points are next level mental gymnastics.
  2. Tanking the Dow to own the libs!
  3. So this guy is condemning the military, social security, medicare, US Mail and the interstate highway system? That's fucked up bro.
  4. And that's a good thing. The sooner the media stops covering every goddamn tweet from Trump, the better.
  5. Same voted for W twice and I still err on the side of smaller government / more personal freedom, but I have been a pretty reliable D voter every since Fox News/Palin/Tea Party hi jacked the party with anti-intellectualism and regressive social policies. Now my fiscal conservatism has hardened my enthusiasm for Democrats as they leave smaller deficits than their Republican counterparts over the last three decades.
  6. No need to justify why homie. It's all good. Should be legal nationwide by the time we reach retirement age.
  7. US Trade Reps: /lift heads from computer screens/ "uhhh we're right on top of that sir." /go back to playing snood/
  8. My Dad will die watching Fox news, angry at the world, furious about immigrants and socialism. Things that have had literally zero affect on his life.
  9. Those 47 people control the direction of our country and sadly that is not a joke.
  10. To be fair to her, using the Diamond and Silk logic, both of those words are in the dictionary. So obviously not racist.
  11. The Fox News/Trump crowd has the loyalty of a goldfish. These are the same people that would eviscerate you as a libtard un-american hippie 20 years ago if you said something bad about W Bush. Same 12 years ago if you said something about Mccain. Same 8 years ago if you said something about Romney. Same 2 years ago if you said something about Paul Ryan. Venture over to the braintrust at Texags and float a trial balloon on either Bush, McCain, Romney, Paul Ryan, etc... They loathe all them now, swamp rinos. Trump is the one and only, cross him and you are cast off the island. Fast forward to the next Democrat President and watch the "republicans" start to care about the debt/deficit again. Start to care about executive power again. Start to care about Presidential golf trips again. Start to care about obeying subpoenas and the "rule of law" again. Start to care about sounding "presidential" again. They will dump Trump in the waste bin of history faster than you can say grab her by the pussy. It's a fickle crowd led around by their necks by the ghost of roger ailes. They're passionate about everything, yet believe in nothing. It's quite something to behold.
  12. If you're an informed citizen you learned nothing. If your somebody that didn't read the report or follow the news too much and today was the first time you paid attention, you learned that there is overwhelming evidence that the President of the United States obstructed justice, but due to the Justice Dept. stance that you cannot indict a sitting president Mueller and his team did not/could not make a decision to charge, so the evidence of those crimes was preserved in case the Justice Dept. wants to indict the president upon leaving office and/or for Congress to review in order to inform their decision whether or not to impeach the President, which is the only way to hold him accountable for crimes under the current iteration of our laws. Ho-hum.
  13. My homeboy out there working hard for that HJ.
  14. His culpability in the Ohio State wrestling sexual abuse scandal should be enough for him to be on the top of that list regardless of you political affiliation. He's a regular Art Briles/Joe Paterno.
  15. Somebody inside Iran helped the United States and Israel some unknown entity get Stuxnet onto Iranian nuclear scientists' computers. Although I'm sure humint has been much more difficult after that little discovery.
  16. 2020 is the year. The Horns are gonna win it all. I'm going to win the lottery and Florida is going to turn blue by the slightest margin. Don't @ me.
  17. The cop in question posted that on a facebook post from the blog "tatersgonnatate", that posted of meme of AOC quoting her as saying "we pay soldiers too much". The only problem is, AOC never said that. Shocking, I know. As much as those right-wingers hate "fake news" they sure do consume a lot of it.
  18. "People come up to me all the time and tell me they agree with me on the border, the other 70% throw water in my face"
  19. Not to mention it would absolutely hamstring us the next time we have a recession and require a fiscal stimulus.
  20. Explain that? Do you think the United States pays for the arms we export to the Saudis?
  21. Of course. Fox is the LHN circa 2016. Lots of talk about how good we are in practice, no talk about losing to Kansas.
  22. No. They only respect money, understandably. They get money by getting eyeballs. They get eyeballs by throwing red meat to their viewers, like the scientists feeding cocaine to the hamsters. What did those scientists find out about cocaine? The hamsters couldn't get enough, they'd consume it until they died. CNN/MSNBC/FOX have run the same experiment and discovered the same results. Viewers don't want boring news about stuff that actually affects their lives and the lives of others, they want those endorphins that are released when their team scores a touchdown. They want that red/blue team victory. TRUMP TWEETED SOMETHING TERRIBLE, HE'S BAD. A PROFESSOR IN VERMONT SAYS GUNS SHOULD BE ILLIGAL. BLA BLAH. Politics in our country has turned into a full fledged bloodsport and our "news" stations are akin to the Longhorn and SEC Networks.
  23. Especially for us dark suit, regular mustard kinda guys.
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