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Everything posted by Lagunamadre

  1. Homeboy needs step up his fake medal game. I'm sure he can snag a couple off of his buddy in the Fox News green room.
  2. Their ratings have never really been the same since 9/11.
  3. To be fair to Trump, being out of the streets marching with bone spurs would be very painful.
  4. I can't take a vial of crack and kill 58 bystanders at a concert. A bit of a difference. I'm with you on decriminalizing drugs though. Needs to be more of a mental health issue rather than a criminal issue.
  5. If I could buy a thermonuclear bomb on the internet I would drop it on this thread.
  6. "You see, I didn't read the subject line and I quit reading the body before they mentioned Russia. And the whole birth certificate deal was like forever ago. That was like before they even had the kitten snapchat filter deal. Anyhoo, have you all ever thought about investing in Manhattan real estate?"
  7. Not hard to do. London food sucks. I'm spoiled in Houston, but I'm always so disappointed when I visit London. I've been to some of the "highly recommended" Indian places and there are multiple spots better in the same shopping center on Hillcroft in Houston.
  8. The problem is the supply side twats always assume that if you make rich people richer they will give their incremental wealth to their employees when instead they put it in a hedge fund or buy an airplane. The laffer curve conveniently leaves human greed out of their equation.
  9. The Laffer curve is the bone spur of fiscal responsibility.
  10. The older I get my only criteria is becoming "is she skinny". Is she skinny? "yes", I'd hit it. Is she skinny? "no". That's probably OK too.
  11. Don't bring up 2010 Texas Football in the Trump thread. I can only handle so much.
  12. Reminds my buddy's old duo, "Pancho and Leftstein". You've never seen a Mexican and a Jew do a better rendition of La Bamba.
  13. I've got a couple of bottles of special bubbly and red on the bottom row of the wine cooler that I always think "when I am actually going to drink these". The day Trump dies I am opening all of them and getting hammered on the good stuff. I'll have a shit-eating grin on my face when I pass out that night.
  14. Walks to podium..clears throat: " I am Robert Mueller A.K.A Q anon. I am here to announce we arresting Hillary Clinton for running a child sex ring in a local D.C. pizza parlor basement." "Just kidding you fucking idiots, read my goddamn report guys, there is a ton of bad shit in there".
  15. He must be excited now that his victims girlfriends aren't allowed to abort his children anymore.
  16. I would talk loudly about how awesome Trump is and how glad you are that the President taught you about how much of a liar Cruz is and how shady his dad is and end it with a "plus his wife is really ugly, especially compared to Melania, ya seriously just look at tweet Trump sent out with the two side by side". Then just some really loud "eww, gross". Remind that cuck who he stumped for.
  17. Lagunamadre


    Caravans are only scary and newsworthy right before an election. Fox News out front shoulda told ya.
  18. What's even dumber is that the bill will be passed overwhelmingly and on a bipartisan basis when the House returns. Chip knows that. So all he is doing is postponing aid. People with nothing will now have to wait at least another week for assistance, all because of one fucking idiot.
  19. 10 bucks they use an American-made sword.
  20. There will be a full 180 when convenient. Just look at W. Bush. He could do no wrong with the GOP when he was in office. Now those same people hate him for being a globalist, free-trading warmonger who had too much compassion for brown people. Politics does strange things to people.
  21. Donald is still 3 or 4 grade levels below alliteration.
  22. Little known fact, "crazy" is the only word in the english dictionary that has no synonyms. Isn't that nuts? I became deranged and turned into a lunatic when I found that out.
  23. Ahh, Kelly Ann, Sarah Huckabee and Mercedes Schlapp coming to the rescue. The always credible trio. Pelosi is just pushing those buttons. Using Trump as a N64 controller, tapping Z until Bowser throws himself into the lava.
  24. Run of the mill land work. Mineral title, leasehold title, due diligence, etc. Depends on the day. Shoot me a message if you are looking for work. Not sure I can get you started on day one, but we've been busy enough lately, always looking to expand the network.
  25. If you are in land in Houston let me know if you get cut loose and need something to do.
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