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Everything posted by Lagunamadre

  1. Hard to say, as Obama wasn't a crooked motherfucker. Had he been, I'm sure the GOP House and Senate would have had their way with him.
  2. Actually sir, I jerk off to her because she is kinda hot. Thank you very much.
  3. And yet you worship a guy who thinks windmills cause cancer and who doesn't know how tariffs work.
  4. So Yale undergrad and UVA law grad competent?
  5. You'd actually get a better ROI paying $10K to watch rats fuck than donating to Harris County GOP officials. Us big city educated folks have figured out the GOP's bullshit, take your donations to the rural counties, those hillbilly sheep are the only ones left to buy the bullshit.
  6. What a vile human being. A pox on house Huckabee.
  7. I can't even say that in English.
  8. This is what I think is so funny about my Trump friends when I ask them how in the hell they can support that piece of shit. It's always "just look at the stock market dude". Well Obama had a 150% gain in his 8 years and you hated him. What gives? The tan suit? Was it the mustard?
  9. Is Rep. Omar not a secularist? Is she pushing for Sharia law? I must have missed that.
  10. I hate to break it to you, but Sisi is a Muslim too.
  11. As long as Biden doesn't go windsurfing I think we'll be OK.
  12. Shit, I know two of those people standing behind Trump. Haha.
  13. The number of evangelical mouthbreathers who aren't going to vote for Trump in 2020 is somewhere between -1 and 1. I don't think Pete is trying to recruit them into his base, just trying get the other 75% of the country to point and laugh at their hypocrisy. I love it. Every time Pence comes out and says he is against gay marriage it is a win for Pete.
  14. I honestly believe that he would say and do the right things for a day or two, then he would see one talking head on TV or twitter say something about how it's his fault somehow because he played golf every other day instead of working, then Trump would go full Mueller attack-mode style. Blame Obama/Hillary/Bush, blame democrats, blame the media, blame the FBI, blame the CIA, blame the Military Leaders. The man would throw every single institution under the bus as long as to deflect any blame from himself. That's his playbook. And it's worked on 1/3rd of the country. Go over to Texags and they think the FBI and CIA are treasonous organizations and think journalists should be jailed and/or executed. It's scary shit.
  15. "It's simple folks. 9% interest rates. 9 foot border wall. 9 pepperoni pizzas. Any questions?"
  16. No. It is not. It only reinforces that persons beliefs, if for nothing else spite. Engaging civilly is much more effective. All ridicule should be saved for once the idiot leaves, then everyone can laugh their asses off at how stupid they are.
  17. That golf wasn't going to play itself those first two years. Also, all those Trump properties were in desperate need for a some taxpayer money to get them into the black. Priorities.
  18. No. But all weathered, stringy-haired old bats are racists.
  19. Would have been #1, just ran out of time.
  20. I was hoping a journalist followed him up with that questions, but he cut them off right after this rant (although I doubt they would have, as they never seem to ask him the appropriate question to pin him down). But he sure went on a rant about what is and what is not in the report, which is something for a guy who is supposed to have not read the report yet.
  21. It can also get you to Zihuatanejo.
  22. The malignancy is dependent on the fortitude of the 60%'s immune system. Let's hope the cancer shrinks rather than grows. Hopefully once Trump's days in office end and the 40% isn't stoked with daily doses of political and intellectual carcinogens, we can go into remission.
  23. When Trump or his base say something ignorant, it's not because they're ignorant, they are just trolling you. If they say something smart, it's because they're smart. It's like if Texas beats Georgia, it's because Georgia wasn't trying, If Georgia beats Texas, it's because they are better. It's a great philosophy. As long as it's applied to you, you're infallible.
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