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Everything posted by Lagunamadre

  1. We need to treat pharmaceutical companies as public utilities. The government controls rates on utilities because of their de facto monopolies in their respective regions means they could gouge consumers who need to keep their lights and heat on. How is a hedge fund buying insulin manufacturers, driving out competition and jacking up the price 10 fold to gouge people who need it to live any different. Convince me I'm wrong.
  2. I feel dumber having watched that. They discuss how journalists want to be like Woodward and Bernstein these days for "gotcha" moments. Apparently uncovering Watergate was a "gotcha" moment in journalism and that is a negative in the diminished minds of these two hacks. His esteemed guests was also the architect for the super successful war on drugs in the 1980's and had this to say about black babies ""If you wanted to reduce crime, you could—if that were the sole purpose—you could abort every black baby in this country and the crime rate would go down. That would be an impossible, ridiculous, and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down."
  3. Yes. I like Kiwis, I'd hate to see us wipe them off the map.
  4. That's what warmest sympathies and best wishes looks like.
  5. To be fair, the national debt and rising deficits are an actual national emergency, unlike a some brown people coming here to do shitty jobs for less than minimum wage.
  6. I would guess that majority of people under 50 are like me and don't answer the cell if I don't have the number saved. If it's important, leave a message. The olds in my office, who also happen to lap up fox news, will answer 20 spam calls in a row "HELLO, WHO IS THIS, BUT I THOUGHT MY CAR WARRANTY WAS GOOD THROUGH APRIL"
  7. Fox News and their twitter sycophants are to right wing terrorists what wahhabi madrassas are to radical islamic terrorists. It's not hard to see where these seeds are being planted.
  8. "This should never happen to a President again" - Says the guy who has called for investigations into Obama and Clinton for years and years.
  9. This one is probably not going up on her office wall.
  10. "Obama told me it would take 2 years to take out ISIS, I did it in two weeks" - He says in his 2nd year and 52nd day in office while we are still in active battles against the last of ISIS strongholds.
  11. Send his ass an eminent domain letter.
  12. While I am generally opposed to the gotcha bullshit of congressional hearings i.e. "Mr. Zuckerberg, why did you ban my neighbors friend Jared Smith!?!?, Don't lie". This was fucking good and cringeworthy.
  13. Make Airplane Crashes Great Again!!
  14. If it weren't so fucking consequential the EU top brass would be laughing their dicks off right now, they might be anyways.
  15. The ol' US Debt play. Classic.
  16. Mack Brown and Case McCoy have to be caught up in this thing, right?
  17. Probably polls taken at the most recent CPAC and NRA conferences.
  18. "I needed to save the one word and 37 milliseconds because I don't have any time to waste." - Says the guy who spends 90% of each day on twitter and//or watching Fox News. And whose managed 161 rounds of golf in his short 2 years in office.
  19. No need. I've got Tom Hick's nephew's nanny on speed dial.
  20. Having seen multiple examples of gravity's effects on once perfectly fine pairs of titties, I concur with this sentiment.
  21. I've heard from multiple sources that Melania has hired the best interior decorator in the Guantanamo Bay area.
  22. Gracias. I've seen a trend with those types to hedge almost every Wedn/Thursday that THIS Friday is going to be the day for months now. If nothing happens, nobody seems to remember. And then when it does they think they are the left's Q anon.
  23. Out of curiosity. Where do you hear this chatter? Twitter? Friends? Can you share any tid bits?
  24. "Yes Mr. Chairman, today I have wheeled in 3 CVS receipts that will show....."
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