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Everything posted by Lagunamadre

  1. Now Nancy knows that 34 days is Trump's breaking point. Trump has even less leverage for a future shutdowns.
  2. Will be a nice precedent to set for President O'Rourke/Biden/Harris/Warren/Booker to declare a national emergency for global warming, health care or wealth inequality.
  3. What Republicans traditionally pretended to care about when there was a black guy in office that they have conveniently done a 180 on since Trump took over: Free Trade/Tariffs - "Don't Care" Budget/Deficit - "What's a deficit?" Banning bump stocks - "Here you go Mr. ATF agent, I am turning in my gun parts" Respecting the Military - "All of those generals are libcucks, Trump knows more than all of them" Strong relationships with allies and global alliances - "Fuck NATO, Fuck EU, Fuck UN, we don't need none of them. Reagan and the Bushes were libcucks getting in with them" Law and Order - "Who cares if you lie to the FBI. Who cares if you laundered money. Who cares if you are an agent for a foreign advisory. Who cares about obstruction of justice. Who cares about witness tampering. NOTHING BURGERS. All we care about is what servers electronic messages are stored on. That is the only law that matters"
  4. Wilbur Ross: "I don't understand these people's concerns. For the life of me I don't see why they don't just call up their Goldman Sachs representative and move some money from their generation skipping trusts to their checking accounts to get through this shutdown. In the very least, they could at least tap into one of their Cayman or Swiss accounts to hold them over"
  5. Covington Catholic gymnasium it is then.
  6. I can't keep track of what takes 60 votes and what takes 50 votes these days. I figured non-budgetary votes only needed 50 votes (plus Pence).
  7. I tend to agree, but as a guy that was born and raised in Corpus, I know how important CITGO is to the local economy. Hopefully those jobs are somehow protected and don't become collateral damage in this. I figured if they could survive Chavez, they could survive any despot, but Maduro might be proving me wrong.
  8. He will give the speech in Senate chambers. No democrats will show up and the Republicans hands will be become blistered as they do their best to emulate North Korean citizens watching their dear leader propagandize them. CNN/MSNBC will claim we've hit a new low. Fox will jiz their pants as the "libs are being owned". Normal Americans will be sad at the State of our Union, unfortunately a feeling as familiar to us as breathing.
  9. This ends when the TSA or Air Traffic Controllers strike and shut down a major airport. I'd say we are within a week or two of that happening. Honestly surprised it hasn't happened yet. You can probably pin the shutdown going on this long on Uber.
  10. "What do you think POTUS is referring to there when he says "podium". -"Ohh he's actually referring to the podium." "OK, well then why would he use quotati.......you know what, nevermind"
  11. I'm with you here. I was a big Bush/Cheney supporter in high school because that's who my parents and friends supported. I couldn't have told you one thing about Bush or Gore in high school, I was too busy trying to get into UT during the week and trying find Busch Light tallboys and get handjobs on the weekend. These kids are a product of their parents and school. They don't really care about abortion or taxes or immigration. They just think it's "cool" to wear MAGA hats because their parents and friends do it. I'm not going to lose any sleep over them catching heat over this, wether deserved or not. They will all be fine. There a million other issues that deserve more attention than this. Trump loves us all getting distracted by these bullshit shiny objects.
  12. Most of them probably don't have much of an opinion on Roe v. Wade right now. Once they knock up Becky after she drank too much trashcan punch after the Pi Phi mixer, they (and their parents) will LOVE Roe v. Wade.
  13. Still got that Anna Nichole Smith playboy hiding under the bed.
  14. You actually looked? What a perv. Who would do that?
  15. Not to derail but if you type her name into xvideos you can do some further research on her.
  16. 'The anonymous source continued "it looked like a beach towel, one side had images of a smoldering World Trade Center, the other side had NFL players kneeling during the national anthem, so there is no doubt it was a prayer rug", at this time our source wishes to remain anonymous, but below is a link to his gofundme page which is raising money to stop terrorism and protect our border and to stop abortion and bring back the pledge of allegiance in schools'
  17. So let me get this straight. These "muslims" are hauling a prayer rug with them from their countries in the middle east, lugging them through Central America and/or Mexico. Carrying them across the border, then immediately after their first prayer in America, ditching them on some random ranch? Makes total sense. For all my years spent on the border, I must have missed this phenomenon.
  18. Ohh ya, let that mayonnaise congeal.
  19. Is he implying that his crowd has never heard of Oxford? I mean that might be true, but he might as well just come out and call them hillbillies.
  20. To be fair to him, highly doubt Fox has had time to cover it with their 23 hour/day Ocasio-Cortez coverage.
  21. My personal favorite. Dan Bongino's "Patriot Pantry", for when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez turns your local grocery store into a human trafficking distribution center.
  22. To be fair, nobody cares about anything anymore at the end of the day. These days, every tomorrow brings something new to care about.
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