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Everything posted by Lagunamadre

  1. That's the problem with Trump supporters. When you bring up the inaccuracies, misspellings, improper quote usage, lies, dumbassery, etc. etc. from his tweets, you always get the "ohh I don't use twitter", "he's just trolling" "he's just joking" "lighten up", "that's why I like him", blah, blah.
  2. Man, thanks for pointing this out and setting me straight. I agree, didn't think about this from her side and feel terrible for my irrationality and lack of decorum. I wish that fat, lazy-eyed bitch and her inbred mongoloid family nothing but the best this holiday season! Merry Fucking Christmas!
  3. Not like they are valuable in any way whatsoever, but has the WH decided to just cancel press briefings? It seems like it's been a while.
  4. "I do not recall that offer sir" /Prosecutor shows note to grand jury/ "OHH, the Russian FSB offer?!?!, I thought you meant the Frisbee Society of Boston's job offer, I did not recall getting an offer from the Boston frisbee guys, sorry for the confusion"
  5. If the president's attorney can't put together a coherent 280-character statement about HW's funeral. An absolute soft ball of a tweet. How in the fuck is he supposed to respond to the Lebron James of prosecutors and his dream team? This is all so amusing.....and sad, really sad.
  6. E = MC + 4 - Big Mack x Witch Hunt = Many People Are Saying
  7. Lagunamadre


    Touche. Should have said you can still legally claim asylum despite crossing illegally. The illegal crossing is a misdemeanor akin to trespassing in a national forest. The way our laws are set up the juice is worth the squeeze.
  8. Lagunamadre


    You just have to be on American soil to claim asylum, that's it. So committing a misdemeanor akin to federal jaywalking to skip a 1 month line to apply for asylum seems logical. https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/does-illegal-entry-to-the-u-s-or-lying-and-using-false-documents-at-entry-create-problems-when-applying-for-asylum.html
  9. Lagunamadre


    What they are doing is still legal if they are claiming asylum. You do not have to cross at a point of entry to claim asylum. But we know Republicans don't care about laws anymore.
  10. He must have been in the nurses office with bone spurs during his 9th grade economics class.
  11. "We just wanted to work for a racist narcissist with no moral compass, we had no clue about his business in Russia, this is making us reevaluate everything"
  12. Help out a tech novice here, is there a way that Mueller could get his hands on deleted emails? Are they ever really deleted, assuming they were on a gmail, yahoo type of service?
  13. What power do you think Saudi has over the U.S.? How could they materially retaliate against actions we take against them? Think it through. We protect them militarily and fund their day to day operations by purchasing their oil. Do you really think they have the option to tell us to fuck off?
  14. There is literally not a group of dumber people on the internet. It's just a group of dipshits sharing facebook conspiracy theories and FWD FWD FWD emails.
  15. This. You tell King Salman that we're not friends anymore until MBS is replaced as Crown Prince, good luck on your own over there buddy! MBS would barely make the history books if we showed a little backbone here. That would send signals to the Dutertes and Erdogans of the world that there are lines they can cross that will cause them major fucking headaches to the point that it's certainly not worth it. Re the arms deal. Saudi isn't going to NOT buy our arms. All of their systems are based off of our technology. If they went and bought Russian arms, they'd have to start over, they wouldn't be compatible with what they've already invested in for the last couple of decades. It would me like America getting mad at somebody and rashly converting everything to the metric system overnight. My golf game would never recover. Long story short, Trump is a little fucking pussy bitch.
  16. Trump just gave authoritarians a green light to murder journalists and opposition figures.
  17. The subprime mortgage crisis nods it's head slowly in approval.
  18. 2007/08 were brutal for Bush. Over 1,200 death in Iraq after we had come to the realization that there were no WMDs and us being there was pointless coupled with the collapse of the economy. If Trump takes us into a pointless land war in Iran and the economy crashes, he'll dip down into the 20's. Shit, he has a great economy and the world is relatively peaceful right now and he still can't get above 45%.
  19. Wait, so the picture this dumbass chose to show a barbwired fence has double the amount fence that is non-barbwired. "ohh we can't jump this fence because it has barbwire, I guess we can just walk 25 yards down to the part without it"
  20. Why haven't you caught al-Baghdadi yet Donald?!?
  21. Also doubt Beto would get the same turnout of first time voters in 2 years. The energy wouldn't be the same. As strange as it sounds I think Beto would have a much better chance becoming president than senator (as long as he lives in Texas).
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