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Everything posted by Lagunamadre

  1. Sadly, in this fable the scorpion never seems to go down with the frog.
  2. Sessions will recall. Then when presented with evidence contradicting what he recalled he then revises his statement to "i do not recall".
  3. Trump is such a fucking pussy. Doesn't have the balls to fire people to their face. Who in the fuck would ever want to work for that piece of shit.
  4. That ship has sailed. If he fires Mueller those files just get handed over to the FBI.
  5. Just when you thought we might have a couple of days to relax from the news.
  6. Only Trump could be vile enough to actually make me feel some sympathy for Jeff Sessions.
  7. What is the secret service protocol there? Like if Trump wants to fight do they allow him to fight? I'm genuinely curious. These are things I used to not think about.
  8. Hey look at the guy from Brooklyn with the first real question of the day!
  9. They both fucking suck. They are who we deserve.
  10. Ohh shit, he is so fucking scared.
  11. Ohh he already looks so miserable. This might be better than I thought.
  12. While I agree with your point to an extent, comparing this to the 1920's is apples to oranges. There weren't hoards of hipsters walking around minority neighborhoods in the 1920's trying to get out the vote. There wasn't facebook in 1920, I don't even think there was internet back then but I'll need to double check. There were poll taxes in 1920. There were lynchings and hangings and KKK and burning crosses and literacy tests in 1920.
  13. And if you think a group of recently re-enfranchished people are going to vote at 10% levels, I'll have what you're smoking. You probably don't crave a turkey sandwich every day, but if somebody forbid you from eating a turkey sandwich for 20 years, your ass would be neck deep in turkey sandwiches when that prohibition was lifted.
  14. Glad we can add 1.5 Million ex-felon majority african american voters to the rolls for 2020. I wonder how that would have effected this election? What was the margin? 50,000 votes?
  15. No it wouldn't. It would lead to handful of fucking idiot Bundy copycats that would try who would promptly be arrested and jailed for breaking the laws of our land.
  16. Conversely we just have to live with resentment in bigger states being ruled by North Dakota and Oklahoma. In either scenario there is going to be resentment, the electoral college just ensures that resentment is going to lie the majority of the people.
  17. I think Beto wins the primary and beats Trump via Florida and a handful of the rustbelt. Calling it.
  18. I'm white and grew up and South Texas and know white guys with nicknames of Dos, Tres, Quattro and Cinco. Are they posers? My first name in James (don't dox me bros) and a lot of my friends both white and mexican call me "Jaime" as a nickname. Am I a poser?
  19. Guess you haven't caught Beto's last name yet? It's O'Rourke, BTW.
  20. Kind of like a Cuban named Rafael calling himself Ted?
  21. So says the pinche pendejo.
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