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Everything posted by Lagunamadre

  1. Different story all together, but the original travel ban prevented green card holders from the effected Countries from entry. The administration had to scramble to fix that, but not before Sally Yates was canned for saying it was unconstitutional.
  2. Trump paid Stormy $130K. Stormy might pay Trump's attorneys $342K (currently being appealed). Trump is still out $130K, for banging a pornstar once, "art of the deal" indeed.
  3. Very well said. And thank you for your service amigo.
  4. Or 2007 Boise State. Unconventional but effective. Now just go statue of liberty Cruz's punk ass.
  5. You will be on the gun confiscation squad. If you fail there, we're putting you on the death panel.
  6. The problem with that analogy is that Steelers fans have a baseline of 90% of the stadium on any given gameday. The last game we played in Texas (2016) 43% of the stadium was filled up with the "blue team" and that blue team was 2017 Cleveland Browns bad. Now we are playing the game again, but this time it's 2005 Longhorns, and we're just hoping to get about 6% more in the stands. Judging by the bars and restaurants it appears the enthusiasm is greater than it was for the 2016 team, we just don't know if it going to be enough.
  7. If only Cruz would come out and say that if rape is inevitable you should lay back and enjoy it.
  8. So much this. It's astounding. With deer season opening last weekend I saw a handful of posts from acquaintances sitting in the deer blind with comments like "waiting for the caravan". Obviously, most were joking, I hope. But this phenomenon on the right, the dudes that go to church every Sunday, to openly joke about murdering poor brown people is sickening.
  9. Lagunamadre


    The Shias would love that. Do you think the Catholics would be pissed if we assassinated the Pope?
  10. I smoke too much weed for Singapore.
  11. Tucker Carlson warned me that as a white guy I will be murdered immediately upon arrival.
  12. These are all good suggestions. Thanks.
  13. Let me add Costa Rica to my list as well. Pura Vida!
  14. I only speak english and broken spanish. So that leaves me with Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the UK. You have any better suggestions?
  15. Anybody here know how to get a Canadian or New Zealand passport?
  16. I don't know, this girl is probably dumb enough to fuck him.
  17. IF Beto wins (huge if), it will be because he went to places like Big Springs and Carthage and Mentone and Victoria multiple times. Those are small towns that Senators and Sentate candidates NEVER go to. I've spent a lot of time in small Texas towns. If you show your face, talk to the locals and are polite and decent, it goes a long way. A portion of those repulican voters he met in diners and coffee shops will vote for him because they met him and he is likely the only congressmen they've ever met. And the little old ladies that met him and liked him as a person, will tell their friends in the beauty parlor and bridge clubs. He's not going to win Reeves County, but he will do better than Clinton did because he went to those towns and met those people. Just not sure if it will be enough.
  18. You know other Countries don't have a 2nd amendment either and their kids aren't afraid of getting sprayed with bullets during their school passing periods like ours our. So as long as we are axing constitutional amendments for a more perfect unions, let's throw that one in there as well.
  19. Sadly, below is not a mock twitter account. Just the president admitting to the world that when he says "fake news", he just means negative news, and as a cherry on top threatening to shut down journalists that report negatively about him. Kim Jong Trump.
  20. Lagunamadre


    Great post. I hope your wrong re being out on Republicans forever, I'm probably being a little too much rainbows and unicorns, but my hope is the Trump GOP experiment ends in utter failure and pushes the party back to the Reagan/HW Bush center, a moderate Republican party will be necessary to combat the Democrats if they keeps moving left. My hope is that the future GOP reflects Mitt Romney and not Steve King. I'll be there waiting with my vote if they can ever move back in that direction, until then though, vote them out, all of them.
  21. If somebody from this iteration of the GOP knows the difference between a shia and a sunni, I'll put them in the intellectual category. The vast majority these days would respond to that question with "who cares, just bomb them all". The bar has been lowered.
  22. Gosh, can Trump's base even sleep at night these days, sooo much to be scared about.
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