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Everything posted by Lagunamadre

  1. I'm REALLY sure that no one Senator or Congressman is going to abridge my right to bear arms, there are 9 people in black robes that have that ability.
  2. This Beto supporter owns a shotgun for ducks, a shotgun for dove/quail, a deer rifle and a pistol for home protection. Can't imagine ever needing to own any other type of gun.
  3. Lagunamadre


    Not a big fan of the Posse Comitatus Act either.
  4. Lagunamadre


    You've obviously never spent any time on the border if you don't think that already exists. It's been that way for a long time hombre. Thing is, they all get by just fine, it must be the menudo.
  5. I just think Texas is a different beast than a national study. Maybe it's just because I spend too much time in Port Aransas and all the kids down there have Trump flags waiving from their confederate flag covered pick-ups. I think those types will be first time voters as well, just not sure what percentage they make up.
  6. I'd argue he knew America better than anybody and that requires some intellect in my book. Doesn't make him a good guy.
  7. I think the big question of this race is how the "new voters" in the 18-29 yr old bracket split. Say it's 1.5 million more 18-29 yr. olds voting than in 2014, is that a 60/40 D advantage? 55/45? I'm just curious if there will be a lot of jocks and frat guy first time voters that will somewhat offset the theatre arts/hipster first time voters, and if so to what extent. (apologies for the stereotyping, if your offended by the generalizations please go fuck yourself)
  8. I would love to sit down and have a couple of beers with Bannon. I despise him as a human, but he's intellectual and is one of the few smart guys behind Trump's curtain. I think it would be fascinating to pick his brain and to have an honest debate.
  9. Is anybody besides Hugo thinking Beto will win? Seems like most here, although rooting for Beto, are realistic of his chances and are predicting a 5ish% cruz win.
  10. I'm sure they will all be up in arms with Trump's proposal to revoke portions of the 14th amendment via EO.
  11. Welp, guess it's time to lock the thread. It's had a good run.
  12. Forgive me for getting lost in the daily avalanche of news, but can somebody explain to me who this Dave guy is and what the significance of the website?
  13. Out of curiosity, who speaks for "liberals"? Is there like an official liberal statement out there on facebook? Not sure if you missed Durbin, Whitehouse and Blumenthal being much tougher on Zuckerberg than their Republican counterparts during his congressional hearing (it's on youtube in case you missed it). Are Durbin, Whitehouse and Blumenthal "liberal"? Here are a handful of articles from left leaning news sites that are critical of Facebook: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/facebook-is-the-enemy-now_us_5a396166e4b0860bf4ab9586 https://slate.com/technology/2014/06/facebook-unethical-experiment-it-made-news-feeds-happier-or-sadder-to-manipulate-peoples-emotions.html https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/09/17/can-mark-zuckerberg-fix-facebook-before-it-breaks-democracy Are Huffington Post, Slate and New Yorker "liberal"? I guess I'm just missing this supposed "pass" that liberals have given to Facebook. Do you have any evidence of it? Because I can dig up mountains of it to the contrary.
  14. We are practically neighbors. Hello neighbor. Quit stealing my signs, btw.
  15. Could you imagine Trump in a financial crisis? Holy shit. Advisor: Mr. President we are in a full financial meltdown. Trump: Easy, just declare bankruptcy, I do it all the time, works like a breeze. Advisor: Uhhhh, ummmm, uhhhh. Mr. President it doesn't work like that...
  16. I think it just came out that the CNN one was delivered via courier. Not like it makes a difference.
  17. I think the CNN one was delivered via courier and the rest via mail. Although, I'm sure details are still coming out and that is subject to change.
  18. Well sure we can thank Sarah Palin for the bump, the tea party for the set, but it's the Donald who is sure as hell delivering the spike.
  19. It's crazy how all of these once semi-capable people just lose all critical thought and curiosity once they fall into the foxnews/facebook/drudgereport trance. My parents and most of their friends are part of this group. It's astounding how little non-sanctioned information they take in, 75% of what they are fed is fear of immigrants and democrats (socialists/communists) and 25% that the dear leader can do no wrong. When you push back just a little bit with verifiable facts (tariffs are a tax on consumers) or just basic logical thoughts (if that's our healthcare system poor people will just have to lay on the sidewalk and die while people walk by, Jesus would not approve), the conversation is immediately shut down with "your SO liberal, what happened to you LOL". The biggest victim in Donald Trump's war so far has been intellectualism on the right. It's sad to watch up close.
  20. If Democrats won every single election they would have a 58-42 majority in the Senate and 435-0 majority in the House. There are 42 GOP senate seats who are not on the ballot in 2018. All house seats are on the ballot.
  21. Not to mention the home base of Wahabbism. Wahabbis make Iranians look like Buddhists, yet we are waging a Jihad on the Persians. Makes sense.
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