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Everything posted by Lagunamadre

  1. I'm going to print this out and tape it to my bathroom mirror so I can read it every morning when I'm getting ready for the day.
  2. You will all be sent to Oklahoma.
  3. Yep, he's worth $151.4B as of today, yet thousands of his full time employees are on food stamps. In a perfect world, his employees would make a living wage and Bezos would only be worth $75B, I'm sure he would be able to manage.
  4. His base agrees with Trump, as Texags showed us yesterday the majority of them trust Putin over the FBI/CIA/NSA.
  5. Script: "I accept the conclusion of the IC" Off Script: "Or it could have been other people" - which is NOT what the IC concluded. He literally contradicted himself within two sentences, one was written for him by his aides, the other came from his heart.
  6. Lagunamadre

    Tax reform

    Man, this this kind of crushes every GOP talking point. http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/397445-white-house-budget-projects-1-trillion-deficit-in-2019
  7. This is why the Republicans will eventually be fucked. The "What's the Matter with Kansas" crowd will at some point in the future have a day when they realize they haven't had a raise 15 years, they owe $100K to the hospital and the news of the day is that Jeff Bezoz is now worth $200B.
  8. Those tariffs kicking in is going to coincide with their healthcare premiums skyrocketing because of Trump. There are going to be a lot of diabetics in the midwest who are not going to be happy, especially when they don't have a black guy to blame it on anymore.
  9. Agreed. Would be amazing to watch if they did though.
  10. Sasse is a rubber stamp for anything Trump wants. He can tweet and give lip service to the networks, he is the guy that will complain that the leopard is going to eat your face and it's going to be really bad, and then will gladly vote on a bill encouraging leopards to eat peoples faces. McCain is damn near there, doubt Flake or Corker have the backbone, they are Repulicans after all, to flip, but man that would be halarious.
  11. I actually don't think you can go on and on. That's about it judges, tax cuts and deregulation. Which is all fine and good, just sad that the GOP had to sell their soul to get them, and all 3 are unpopular with the majority of Americans.
  12. People portray Trump supporters as stupid because the majority of them are. His strongest base, by far, are non-college educated white men. His base puts mountain dew in their cereal.
  13. Gagin: "Yes I am the Assistant Regional Manager of the GOP" GOP: "Assistant TO the Regional Manager"
  14. Fuck Rand Paul, another traitorous piece of shit. Attacking our intelligence agencies like a good little Trump sheep.
  15. We are angry that the President of the United States of America just sided with our main enemies over our CIA, FBI and NSA. We're mad because we like our country and we don't like traitorous behavior from it's leader. We're mad because a small segment of our population, like yourself, have been so brainwashed by your echo chambers that you don't have an issue with what happened today.
  16. Aw, you gotta be kidding me. Lunch is for wimps.
  17. Whoa, whoa, Renato is jumping to conclusions here on who "Political Party 1" refers to, that could be ANY political party. I mean why would you just jump to conclusions that the political party trying to set up a secret back channel to the Kremlin via an unnamed gun rights organization would be the GOP?
  18. Speaking of Traitors. The vast majority of Texags trusts Putin more than Americans. Trump's sheep are such loyal followers. https://texags.com/forums/16/topics/2962419
  19. Fuck you, traitorous piece of shit.
  20. She's got more honor, integrity and ethics in her pinky finger than Trump has is in fat fucking 300 lb body. And that's not because she is full of those qualities just not utterly devoid.
  21. Putin has got to be laughing his dick off right now and ANY morsel of respect he might have had for Trump is now gone. He just got the green light to do whatever the fuck he wants, interfere, invade, etc. etc.. and just say "we didn't do it" "you're CIA is lying, deep state" and he can get away with it. Trump is such a fucking pussy, we know it, Putin knows it and now the whole fucking world knows it.
  22. Trump just took Putin's side and threw our Intelligence Agencies under the bus with the whole world watching. Any of you Trump cocksuckers that don't think this guy is a fucking traitor are too stupid to be in public.
  23. The trannys are raping the children in the public restrooms. MS-13 kill them when they come out of the bathroom. Keep up.
  24. Fox has programmed him. The slightest break from the cult of Trump = socialism. John McCain - Socialist. Jeff Flake - Socialist. Bob Corker - Communist. Ben Sasse - Socialist gun grabber. Nevermind their voting records. Trump's base (old, white, fox news all day) are programmed. They are ignorant to the real world, they only know their marching orders. It's sad, my parents are victims of this new phenomenon. Ignorant sheep.
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