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Certifiably Surly
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About NoRagrets

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  1. Okay, I waited. Finish is great. Guitar sounds amazing, but in need of a major setup.
  2. America is to blame. I’m also to blame as many years ago I got my youngest into Luke Bryan to torture my wife and oldest son road trips. Really funny for a month. Not so much on road trips for years to follow. It was unintentional musical immolation. #noragrets
  3. The guild d-55 arrived today but I’m supposed to let it acclimate for 24 hours. What’s this bullshit and do I have to do it?
  4. Got a steal on the guild d-55 open box. Now I wait for it to ship from New York… Will post pictures when it arrives. Me watching YouTube reviews the last few weeks while shopping for it:
  5. He seems to correct weaknesses year to year. I bet he figures out some run wrinkles.
  6. He was on the sideline and seemed to have his helmet. So I doubt it.
  7. Great season. Can’t wait for the next one. Hats off to Ohio State.
  8. I really thought this would be the game that sark shook something up to make good halftime adjustments at halftime. I was wrong…
  9. Jackal was really good. Highly recommend.
  10. Read the review in the wsj. Basically it sounds really good but also really dark (like Revenant).
  11. That’s really true of all music in all eras. Go listen to the top 40 for just about any year and the songs suck. We keep listening to the good shit, so we start to think that all music in that era was good. However, I’ll take the 60’s-80’s music over anything else for any genre.
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