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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NoRagrets

  1. Every off season I fill my kid with unsubstantiated optimism “show me a loss” prognostications, and at the end of every season he realizes more and more how stupid I am.
  2. I’ll never understand the hate. Guy built a pretty incredible group of businesses. He’s moving a lot of them to Texas. His rockets are badass and he put them in Texas.
  3. NoRagrets


    I almost didn’t click on this thread for fear I would convince myself I have it too.
  4. How can someone not in possession of a weapon fire a weapon?
  5. So OP only wants to watch political shows where the host parrots the progressive talking points at all times or it will disrupt his safe space echo chamber. Gee, I wonder how our political environment became so polarized? Sounds like OP is the real whiney little bitch.
  6. Anti-Vaxxers that read on the internet that the vaccines are made with (I’m not kidding) aborted baby parts. I had a guy at work tell me that. He’s a moron that is also full Q.
  7. He is damn lucky she didn’t die, lose the baby, or jump the shoulder and kill someone else. What a completely unnecessary, reckless act.
  8. Lace Golds and Fender Pre-Amp Booster came in. Going to take it to the shop today for install and setup on the strat. Will send Pron Pics when finished. It’s Christmas in June!
  9. The last cab ride I took was the result of our flight being diverted to austin for bad weather. American gave us a voucher to get back to SAT, and we got in what we would later describe as the death cab at 4am. It was a 10 year old mini van, the bottom plate of the luggage area had corroded out so it sounded like riding a motorcycle, the driver drove 100mph down i35, the shocks had worn out years ago so it felt like it was going to flip over every time he changed lanes, and it smelt like total shit. The cab ride was scarier than than the wind shear that almost made our plane crash during our attempted landing at SAT. #fuckcabs
  10. Would you take $500 and a hug?
  11. Saw one of these silently zip past me at 20 mph yesterday evening. Are these as fun as they look?
  12. A breakfast taco. Close the thread.
  13. Geez, you sound like Mike Dukakis with all this regulation.
  14. Just binged this with the fam over the last couple of months. Damn good show. It’s hard to describe to friends, though. When my wife proposed we watch it, I thought it would be an awful network sitcom or something. I was really pleasantly surprised.
  15. I wish we measured our prisons like we would a private rehab facility. Send the well behaved prisoners to privately run rehabilitation facilities and compensate them on long term outcomes during and especially after release. That could break the cycle of poverty, abuse, recidivism, etc., and the society as a whole is the main beneficiary.
  16. It moved from 6 to midnight. CDC is going to need a statue soon.
  17. I agree, rape and other violent assaults are a disgusting crime no matter where they occur. I think some people view incarceration as a temporary sentence to hell, and that those forms of torture are part of the deal. I find that rationale appalling for an enlightened society, and very short sighted. The abuse suffered in prison in addition to the lack of a reform focus just helps create even worse criminals of whom most of will re-enter society. End of Rant.
  18. This seems really well though out. What could go wrong?
  19. Night Stalker on Netflix is probably the most disturbing thing I’ve seen since the Richard Kuklinski tapes on HBO. https://www.netflix.com/title/81025701?s=i&trkid=13747225
  20. Pence at 13% is a joke. The base hates that guy now. DeSantis wins it easily. Trump doesn’t want to run; he wants to be king maker.
  21. Just discovered Red Oaks. Unfucking believably awesome, especially for a child of the 80’s like me. Also, if you love the 80’s, all seasons of the Americans now streaming on Amazon.
  22. Just discovered Red Oaks. Unfucking believably awesome, especially for a child of the 80’s like me. Also, if you love the 80’s, all seasons of the Americans now streaming on Amazon.
  23. I am vaccinated and do not need a mask, but unlike you, I respect private businesses’ requests to wear masks. They don’t say anything to you because they’ve instructed their employees not to have confrontations with anti-maskers (I.e. - assholes) that intentionally flaunt their policies.
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