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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NoRagrets

  1. Picked up some Ilegal Mezcal this weekend. Very nice. Highly recommend.
  2. I think we sign Kawhi to supermax if it is part of a deal with another star FA we pursue. Kawhi-LMA-LeBron Boom!
  3. Thanks mom and dad for giving each other 23 and me for Christmas. Now I can't commit mass murder! but seriously, this is how the braved new world starts? People volunteering their DNA for scrutiny?
  4. NoRagrets

    Sean Hannity

    Can we get back to learning about the sleazy dealings of hannity?
  5. I just finished a freakonomics 2 part series on the tax cuts. Basically, both sides' economists agree that the corporate tax rate needed to be reduced and that cranking up the standard deduction makes things a lot simpler. it technically adds 1.5T to the deficit, but that's only if the cuts aren't permanent. Therefore it's really 3T cut. dems argue that theres not simply not enough roi on the cuts bc they're too broad, and they could have got the same benefit with less extreme cuts. also huge risk of higher income people LLC'ing to take advantage of pass through rates.
  6. Helping coal miners by letting them get f'd by sleazy lenders. MAGA Tired of winning drain the swamp
  7. Any thoughts on the new scarab rotax jet boats?
  8. NoRagrets


    I just bought a kayak. Hope I don't die.
  9. Any suggestions on where to eat?
  10. -The list is long and distinguished. - oh yeah. Well so is my Johnson.
  11. We have maligned the American voter for good reason (electing dotus) but the same electorate voted overwhelmingly for Obama. He will go down as a mediocre president and a badass human being, but people still voted for him despite accomplishing virtually nothing after his first two years when the congress flipped. trump was an outcry from our marginalized fellow citizens. Was it stupid to vote for this conman? Yes. But they voted for him bc he's the first modern candidate that said free trade isn't fair trade and I'm going to fix it. He totally stole that from the 1980's Dems who became too snobby and wealthy to keep that as a platform to build on. dems need to live and learn; don't run your smugness in and keep it real...no! Keep it treal (I believe that means keep it triple real) and nominate a candidate that is actually relatable.
  12. Went to the spring game and first thing I told my kid was that the defense looked big and athletic. Like Alabama level. Offense looked notably better in execution and body language. I'm optimistic for a ball control offense with a salty defense. I like what Herman is building. Koolaid flowing. Shown me a loss!
  13. Rented a houseboat there once. I highly recommended it. Beautiful lake and keeps you away from the locals. At least until the weekend. That's when the jet boat locals start to party.
  14. This is the spinoff of the trump reality show that most intrigues me. He's a real life Saul Goodman. I can't imagine all the shady stuff this guy has pulled off and I can't wait to hear about it. Fascinating.
  15. So did someone actually get sucked out of the plane?
  16. Has anyone added a pool heater to an existing pool without one? i really want to extend my season from Jun-Sep to May-Oct. also would be fun to crank up the heat one day during Christmas for the kids. if you have, how much $$ to expect and was it worth it?
  17. Get borate. Trust me. also liquid chlorine should be your shock.
  18. They are finally matching the warriors' effort. It's a beautiful thing. I just hope our guys can sustain the energy level on both ends.
  19. In college I thought thundercloud was the most amazing sandwich place on Earth.
  20. Just get a houseboat. They're awesome, although you really want those on a huge lake like Powell.
  21. Mr Hand, I was thinking. If you're here. And I'm here. Doesn't that make it OUR TIME?
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