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Everything posted by yaqdum

  1. it's interesting to me though not really that surprising that almost everything the right wing has supposedly cared about turns out doesn't really matter to them. only their hatreds seem to be something you can rely on.
  2. my belief is that a good many people who are a lot smarter than us here and infinitely more connected with the process of our form of government have considered the situation with the senate sitting there itching to swat anything reasonable into the far ether and have concluded that a cat-and-mouse approach is the only good way to deal with this. any overt attack directly on the bonehead or his cabal of clowns gives the senate its go-button. we have to paint the picture for the populace in such subtlety that we never give a broadsides look to the senate. we aren't likely to start getting the final word on this until a whole bunch of senators are under the refrigerator again.
  3. also a woman is said to have drunk herself to death. too much of a good thing isn't a good thing.
  4. this software sucks the bananas right out of their peels.
  5. the black plague did not disappear. there are a few cases and occasionally an outbreak from time to time. it was bad hygiene and unsanitary conditions that gave it its horsepower back in the day. edit: people tend to snicker at advances like the toilet, but the people who did the inventing and the people who promoted the usage don't get anything like the credit they deserve for improving the lives of us all.
  6. so, basically, piss on the democrats for not being republicans?
  7. there are two vaccines now. one just came out last year. the effectiveness of the old vaccine for the 50 plus comedy act was somewhat putrid but did give some benefit to others. supposedly the new vaccine is very effective for all who can do it. problem now is availability. the demand must be pretty insane.
  8. have you considered the vaccine? if you haven't been active for a lengthy period you should be a prime candidate to take it. it doesn't just prevent c-pox, it also prevents shingles for someone like you.
  9. there is a strong recommendation from the manufacturer that anyone with an active case should wait through 6 months of inactivity before doing the vaccine. apparently you only have one shot at doing this, and if the stuff is active when you do it, you get no benefit. i have an active case 24/7/52. i can't take the cure. now, i don't have the ex-crew-she-ate-ing pain that so many have. just a burning itch now and then. often several times a day. very uncomfortable but not really into pain. it doesn't break out into a real case but just simmers. when i hang 'em up, my bugs may hang 'em up too.
  10. piss on the guy, but for the kids' sake i hope none develops the ongoing shingles problem i have. shingles. used to be the only worry i had regarding shingles was shoddy construction in high wind.
  11. what i said had nothing to do with obama. i'm talking about the far right underground. murdoch, talk radio, koch bros, &c. more: my belief is the far right had this coup in mind with nixon, but they hadn't done anything like enough prep. so murdoch, radio, &c patting down the grass for reagan but still not enough.
  12. intelligence is not the issue. there's a national level delirium that's causing the problem. it's an offshoot of faith. someone can be very intelligent and be blinded by the delirium.
  13. oh, absolutely. as awful as this is, it has been going on in the dark, probably all our lives. now it is out in the open and vying to take over. previously there was no chance we could deal with this in an effective way. any attempt would be characterized as bullying or some such and the presumed shield of innocence would be drawn across their bloated and fetid grins. with their coming out, we are invited to deal with them. if we don't, they win either now or later.
  14. and they've been fervently searching for that door knob for generations. hoo new they only had to look east of prussia.
  15. yes, and tapping our foot to show that we are serious.
  16. we keep talking trump, and trump is a major problem, of course. that said, he's the little white pus, not the pimple. it's what's behind him that counts. the pimple has been here since nixon at least and more likely since not that long after the mayflower peeked over the horizon. if this nation is to survive in any recognizable sense it must be reformed in a major way, and issues we have overlooked for decades or more must be resolved one way or another. given the gravity of this attempted coup, if there aren't significant numbers sent to prison for significant amounts of time we've thrown in the towel. our forebears were up to it with the wolf at the door, but we are not. general george would have executed the worst of these traitors. maybe we'll talk to them in a stern voice?
  17. how i've seen it for a while now. the very things that make those crooked senators unwilling to compromise are the things that will hang them by the 'nads.
  18. totally agree. we are going to see things this country has never seen. people who have had free rein to plot against the rest of us will find it's not the cozy place it used to be. in a very real sense, they've blown it. i don't like to compare events with fiction, whether movie or whatever, because fiction can be as unrealistic and as impracticable as an audience will allow. when our superhero defeats five bad guys who mostly just stood around to take the blows, we don't notice how goofy it really is. that said, i am reminded of a tv series from way back when i used to watch tv. many or most of you won't recognize the title mission impossible. never mind most people called it mission implausible, the plot always seemed to feature a goal that wasn't approachable in any usual, main force sense, but relied on crafting a sequence of careful actions with meticulous timing to satisfy the assignment. of course, all the agents were perfect and nobody sneezed at just the wrong time. thus it wasn't reality, but we bought it, lock, stock, and bilious baloney. what we are watching is a true-life mission impossible. no cleavers here. that's not available. this is meticulous unwinding like defusing a bomb from the wrong end.
  19. congress has shown that it is too easily not worthy of that responsibility. legal oversight of the executive branch should belong to people who do that on a normal basis.
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