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Everything posted by yaqdum

  1. lurch is right. the problem isn't trump, it's the mess rupert murdoch has made. unless we clean house there nobody can trust us to do anything anymore.
  2. exactly the state i was thinking of. that one or the one just below it (map-wise).
  3. i don't understand why the reporters don't storm that floor. i mean, there's surely enough of them. just a few small arms and a backhoe or two and they could GET ME THE INFORMATION THAT I NEED.
  4. is it ok if i assume you are full of shit?
  5. a lot depends on how it's administered. the torture is the deprivation of stimulus when handled that way. if this is primarily for her safety and to prevent correspondence from outside, there's a good chance she is given some sort of entertainment or some such to prevent deprivation. edit: if she is of the belief that she might be in mortal danger, she might well appreciate the protection.
  6. not any crime. just their crimes. you know: it's ok if i do it.
  7. recruited under duress by the FSB one of the most chilling asspecks of that article to me. if you can be useful and they have the goods on you for anything anywhere you have ever done that you absolutely must keep quiet, here they come and you will now jump when they say froggy. that in mind, look at the senate.
  8. i think they thought they didn't need to. the leader of a successful coup doesn't worry about the rules before he got there. i don't think it ever occurred to them how stupid they are and how badly they would fuck it all up.
  9. you know, i had forgotten that. good reminder.
  10. hey, c'mon. with no more than he has to stand on at some point it just becomes hey, look at me.
  11. my assumption is that both are in the magazine. it's murdoch who's being so quiet. you can hear the marshmellows bubbling over the campfire.
  12. you know, somebody else i'd like to see on this merry-go-round is r murdoch. i'd like to see him go directly from news titan to noose tighten.
  13. yes, and i bet there's a lot more roosky money flowing around this country than just in congress. if i were an entity that took it, i'd be sweating right now. that mueller bunch is on the hunt.
  14. what do i raise if i think he probably dies in prison and nobody claims the body?
  15. my bet is he's slipped out and is right now stepping onto the tarmac that leads to the presidential rail car. what he doesn't know yet is the train is gassed up and express to tympy, a scant 2800 miles from the rojo rectangle.
  16. in layman's terms she means she hopes she is fooling the people who end up defining her legacy.
  17. there's a penis over there. i know there is. has to be. in fact, i think i might see a little bump. yes. very deafeningly i see a little bump.
  18. thanks. i've not known how to undress . . . i mean . . . address her should she happen by.
  19. also, at what point does the "president can pardon a wounded duck" talk go out the window? i believe we can function as a nation without that annual rite of stupidity.
  20. how does one pronounce that name? is it boo-teen-uh or button-uh or boot-in-uh or what?
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